
  1. Benjie22

    Vegan Bodybuilding

    Hello all, I am sure this has probably been discussed a thousand times, but I just want some clear information. I recently took the steps In becoming a vegan, I have been enjoying the food and I have felt a lot healthier. However recently I have noticed muscle lose, I have dropped from 16 stone...
  2. Health Instincts

    Game Changers Anyone?

    Game changers has had a big impact on the way people view nutrition. I no longer view my health life as, eating 80% good foods and exercsing 20% of the time daily. I now view my health as, "Noursing my body with the optimal amount of what it needs." Are bodies are very adaptable and you don't...
  3. L

    I'm here to help

    Hi everyone, I have been vegan for 2 years and also at the same time started my bodybuilding journey. I have gained so much incredible knowledge over this time and its something I wish to share with anyone who is interested. A little bit about myself: I firstly went vegan for my health. I have...
  4. LeoLivesLike

    Breakfast-Healthy high protein

    Hey guys I just updated my 1st YouTube video with an ingredients list and links of where to find them. I'd love any feedback and would love to hear how you guys personalize the recipe to your own liking!
  5. LeoLivesLike

    Just posted my 1st youtube video! Would really appreciate if if you guys took a look and gave me some feedback, will be posting more very soon!
  6. Jeff2health

    Vegan fitness/bodybuilding

    I've been vegan since I was 19 years old just about when I was going to turn 20.i have been active all my life but just recently I'd say 11 months ago, I started to workout for fitness and building muscle but it's been difficult to put on weight and build muscle but my strength is going up on...