
  1. CoconutLife

    Plant Based (3-5 Minute Survey)

    I am conducting market research to perfect my product and gain valuable insight. Please consider taking my short survey, you will help make an impact! Thank you. Plant Based (3-5 Minute Survey)
  2. MrsTillyMartin

    Palm oil free vegan butter!

    Hello Everyone, My husband and I are very new to veganism and still working out what substitutes we want/need. We’re really struggling to find a vegan friendly butter containing no palm oil (we gave up palm oil a few years ago). Based in the uk, I’ve now gone to 3 major supermarkets and...
  3. Evelyn Rose

    Best vegan "butter"?

    Hello there, I've recently transitioned from a vegetarian to vegan lifestyle. I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on the best vegan butter alternatives? I'd rather not have something with unethically sourced palm oil and I'm trying to find out what the healthiest and most sustainable...