
  1. F

    EU Plant-based Cheese Survey

    Hi everyone! As part of my master’s in Food Business and Innovation, I aim to understand how plant-based cheese products can be developed to suit consumer demands while being nutritious and sustainable. I would love to know your perceptions and attitudes about plant-based cheese products and...
  2. R

    What should I do

    Hello 👋, I am a longtime vegetarian. I have been vegan before. I really, really, really want to go vegan for the animals. I really passionately feel that it is the right thing to do. I really passionately feel that everyone should be vegan. However, my family and I are going to Lanzarote in...
  3. R

    Vegan and Cravings and Holiday

    Hello, I have just gone vegan again as of last week (I would go to and fro with being vegan vs veggie). We are due to go away to Lanzarote in November (yay!). We have managed with my being vegan in Lanzarote before. However, most of the desserts at the restaurants are not vegan, and neither...
  4. R

    Still struggling with wanting cheese

    Hello 👋, I went vegan first at 20. I am now 25. I went back to veggie last year. I have gone to and fro from veggie to vegan quite a lot as of recent times. I absolutely love cheese. Even though I have vegan cheese, I still struggle with this. I still often want regular cheese, in particular...
  5. Vegbeast

    Vegan cheese!

    Hey guys, hope everyone is well! My first thread here, happy to be a part of this community - so much good info :) I wanted to write about a new cheese brand I discovered called Vegcheese (VEGCHEESE - Dairy Free & Nut Free Artisanal Vegan Cheeses) I believe they are only available in Canada...
  6. R

    Ideas?-Leftover dairy and eggs & Giving up cheese!

    Hello 👋, I am an ex-vegan veggie who wants to go back to vegan. However, there are some problems... I love cheese. Yes, I eat vegan cheese, but of course it’s not quite the same as (dairy) vintage cheddar or a Babybel. One of the main issues is that there simply aren’t vegan alternatives to...
  7. R

    UK What to do with non-vegan products & cheese

    Hello 👋, I am a 24-year old female with Autism. I am a very passionate animal rights person. I went vegetarian at 13. I then went vegan at 20. I then went back to vegetarian more recently. I really want to go back to vegan and hopefully stick with it for life, but I love cheese, especially...
  8. R

    Benji and How to go Back to Being Vegan

    Benji and How to go Back to Vegan Without Being Hard on Myself Hello 👋, I have Autism and anxiety. Anyhow, I went vegetarian at age 13 and then vegan at about 20. I then went back to veggie as I kept cheating with cheese. I am now 24. I have been thinking of going back to vegan again for a...
  9. R

    Giving up dairy

    Hello 👋, I am a 24-year old female who is on the autism spectrum. As I am Autistic, I am sensitive so please don’t be mean, no matter how passionately you may feel about this. You may want to try to get others to go vegan, and that is great. However, there’s good ways and there’s bad ways to say...
  10. R

    Ideas-savoury vegan junk food for a meal?

    Hello 👋, Most of the vegan recipes on the web are all healthy, but what about when you’re a “vegan” who just wants to have a junky type meal? Before anyone says it (I know this is a vegan forum, so it’s less likely), but not all vegan food is healthy. Trust me, with the amount of vegan cookies...
  11. R

    Mature cheddar cheese?

    Hello 👋, Please note, I’m looking for vintage (or at least extra mature), not just cheddar-style vegan cheeses. Thank you 😊.
  12. Robin

    Comfort food

    Most the people I know think us vegans don't get to have those so awesome comfort foods but I have them all the time vegan style. Last night for dinner I made vegan Tomato soup with grilled vegan cheese sandwich. It took me less than 15 min. too cook and enjoyed every single bite. I do vegan...
  13. betiPT

    Cheese anyone?

    Do you have a favourite cheese recipe? Please share :) Hearing Dr Barnard and other Drs speak, it appears that CHEESE is the hardest thing to kick when transitioning to veganism. It certainly has been for me. So, here are a couple of cheese recipes. I have made the first one, it is delicious...
  14. R

    Eggs and vegan mac and cheese

    Hi, Does anyone know of any good, healthy vegan alternatives to eggs to fry, boil, poach and hard-boil? Health is an important factor... Also, have you tried the new Sainsbury’s vegan mac and cheese? If so, what is it like? I have tried a vegan mac and cheese before, and I did not like it... A...
  15. R

    Pls Help-How dairy cattle are treated in the UK?

    Hi, I have been looking at comments about veganism on a different site. One woman was supposedly a dairy farmer’s wife and seems to think that dairy cattle are treated differently in the UK from the US, and that dairy cattle are treated well over here. Can someone please provide me with...
  16. R

    Question Plantbased manchego-esque cheeze?

    Peaceful greetings. My question concerns plantbased ingredients and methods only ('vegan'). Are there any known: ready-made products; amendments (for instance, adding a certain herb, spice, or condiment to a product or recipe); d.i.y. recipes and/or special plantcheeze-making processes -- that...
  17. J

    Supporting my vegan partner

    Hi, My partner was pregnant in the past but it was 'not meant to be'. During this short pregnancy she became repulsed by the things that we would usually eat - delicious home-cooked meals seitan, tofu etc, and would instead crave things such as Babybel. It was incredibly difficult for me to...
  18. R

    Vegan goat's cheese

    Hello people! As a non-vegan, I used to love goat's cheese. I would love to have a good vegan alternative to goat's cheese. Aside from one that you have to make which I found out about online, I have just found out that Heidi Ho do a vegan cheese called Ne Chevre Pure, which tastes like goat's...
  19. R


    Hi, how are you all? My name is Victoria Salter. I am known as Rory, this is what I would like to be called. Anyhow, I first went vegetarian when I was about 14. This wasn't down to not liking meat, I used to really enjoy meat. However, it was down to the animal rights side of things. I started...
  20. Z

    Kids and cheese

    Not a new vegan. Kids are vegetarian and we have no idea how to stop the cheese! Any advice? We do quite a bit of PB and the cheese is probably 1/2 cup a week per kid (only 2). Still, I think about the cows every time they eat it and it kills me. Mods: if this is in the wrong forum or is...