heart healthy

  1. The Little Vegan

    Survey How can we improve the vegan lifestyle??

    Hello everyone, my husband Doug and I are looking for your help! We are conducting a survey to see how the vegan lifestyle can be improved. We are launching a brand new business called The Little Vegan Co and want YOUR feedback. Is there anything you wish was better or different? Do you have any...
  2. L

    Do you already have heart disease?

    Ever heard about "Atherosclerosis" ? Atherosclerosis is a disease in which the inside of an artery narrows due to the build up of plaque. This one affects the arteries and blood flow to the body. In a normal arteries blood will flow freely, how ever when this ones have too much plaques also...
  3. The Clean Bulk

    Bulking season for the newbie vegan

    Hey Y'all! I'm a new member on here and newly vegan! The reason I'm transitioning is I find myself very sluggish at times, minor depression issues, and I also recently discovered I have heart issues (AFib)! Now hearing that description you might not think I'm living a healthy life style, but I...