Can honey ever be ethical? My point of view is that, in general, honey is not vegan and is not ethical because it is stolen; it is taking their food source, and bees are also killed and mistreated in the production of honey. Even if they replace the honey, it is still taking without consent; of...
If you had a sore throat, which would you rather take? Animal-tested medicine or honey?
This is an interesting take on the honey debate. Which is more ethical and more veganly to take? Medicine such as Strepsils (etc) that may have been tested on animals or honey (like in honey and lemon, honey...
Hello, are you tired, run down or need a burst of energy when you’re doing an activity? Running, hiking, swimming, biking, stalking an ex lover but don’t want the sugar, caffeine and all other additives associated with all of those energy drinks on the shelf? if you answered yes you are in luck...
What are some good vegan alternatives to the Body Shop’s ginger shampoo?
Hello 👋,
My mum thinks that the Body Shop’s ginger shampoo is the best one for me. However, that shampoo contains honey, which isn’t vegan or necessarily taken in a moral way...
I have been using other shampoos, but my...
I've been vegan for several months and most areas of veganism seem cut and dry to me. Eating meat, fishing, wearing fur, using make up that was tested on animals, and many other aspects are a no brainer for me. There are, however, a few grey areas which I crave the opinion of other vegans on...
I became a vegetarian several months ago and have now gone full vegan recently.
I'd say my reasons were 75% the animal cruelty involved in meat and dairy and about 25% for my health.
I just saw that vegans don't eat honey, either. Which I kind of get as it's technically an animal product,
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