
  1. I

    US Survey plant-based dairy alternatives (5 minutes)

    Dear sir/madam, I am Isa van Eldijk, 22 years old and I am currently in the final year of the International Business study at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. I am conducting research about the fact that DSM is already active in the USA with ingredients for...
  2. T

    how to encourage your non vegan friend to become a vegan

    we all have that kind of everything-eater friends lol , we love them too much that is why we hope someday they will go with us in the same path , no more arguments on the dinner table with them , So how we encourage our friends to be vegan as we are ? of course your friends will not believe the...
  3. MadamSarcastra

    US Veg*an-friendly/plant-based restaurants....

    I only saw a U.K. restaurant thread like this, but nothing for the U.S. in general. If I'm mistaken, please make the necessary corrections. LOL ;) What are some veg*an-friendly food spots where you live and/or where you've traveled in the United States? Are there some you've heard or read...
  4. Emma JC

    Omni, low-carb diets may'shorten lifespan'

    Meat-heavy, low-carb diets can 'shorten lifespan': study So good to see a new article almost every day in some MS media: (again the lead is buried or the conclusion is at the end) o_O Meat-heavy, low-carb diets can 'shorten lifespan': study AFP Published Friday, August 17, 2018 10:12AM EDT...
  5. R

    Question Plantbased manchego-esque cheeze?

    Peaceful greetings. My question concerns plantbased ingredients and methods only ('vegan'). Are there any known: ready-made products; amendments (for instance, adding a certain herb, spice, or condiment to a product or recipe); d.i.y. recipes and/or special plantcheeze-making processes -- that...
  6. M

    Veganism: the title vs the philosophy?

    Hey, first time posting ! I'll explain my situation a bit so the subject's clearer. I live in a meat-eating family, that wouldn't abandon this habit to save their lives. I decided to stop knowingly eating animal products a month ago. My parents have been, surprisingly, understanding and...
  7. V

    Vegan Survey

    Hello lovely vegans! :heart::cool: Take a moment to reflect on your vegan practice by completing this short survey: (copy and paste url into search bar) By anonymously completing this survey, you will help anthropologists understand vegan food practices so they...
  8. C

    Vegan cafe questionaire for project report

    Hello, I was wondering if you could spare around 5 minutes of your time to complete my questionnaire. It is to support my project report for my Business Investigation Level 5 module. The questionnaire can be found here: The research will focus on...