
  1. ExistentialVegan

    5 Tips to Veganize Your Life (Beyond Food) This Veganuary

    When we think about adopting a vegan lifestyle, and even those taking on Veganuary, it is often just diet and food that come to mind. But a vegan lifestyle means more than just consuming an animal product-free diet—vegan values extend to all other purchases you make like fashion and personal...
  2. vishvadave

    Vegan Pocket Directory

    In the essence of being vegan for a whole year, I put together a list of everything that helped me throughout my journey. I am continuously putting it together and adding more stuff to it regularly. I am also pretty sure I missed out on some stuff so I'm open to what needs to be added to make it...

    Vegan fast food restaurants going mainstream?

    Hi guys, so the other day I was looking for Vegan Fast Food around my city (Madrid), and this got me thinking. When will fast food chains start promoting vegan menus? As big companies, it even turns out to be quite the profitable catch for these people to replace meat ingredients for...
  4. S

    6 days into veganism

    Hi all, I'm new here, thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Steve, 28 from Hertfordshire, UK. Ive been vegan for 6 days now after having countless discussions with various friends. I already feel lighter and healthier. Turning vegan has not only made me feel healthier, but it has relit my love...
  5. ethicalunicorn

    Veganuary: My vegan starting point!

    Hello! I'm Iona from Edinburgh :blush: I've been vegetarian and mostly vegan since October, but this month I'm taking part in Veganuary (going vegan for all of January) - and hoping to make it a permanent change! I'm super excited to find some good vegan recipes and to meet some like-minded...