Bumping this to update and reveal the winners:vegnews.com/articles/page.do?pageId=5212&catId=7
I'm not surprised by most of the results except a few. Amy's Kitchen got second place for Favorite Veg Meat which I wasn't expecting. I would assume Tofurky would've grabbed that spot. I wouldn't even really consider Amy's to be in the "Meat" category. Sure they produce veggie burgers but the majority of their product line frozen meals. It really shocks me that Tofurky didn't get an award.
Glad to see Isa get #1 for Favorite Veg Cookbook Author. A bit surprised about Alicia Silverstone getting second place for Favorite Celebrity after the whole shrimp/cheese eating fiasco. Of course the fact that I find her damn annoying also makes me a bit biased towards her.
(Why can't others see how obnoxious she is?)
And finally there's Favorite Veggie Site.
Veggieviews should've had that third place!! ChooseVeg.com???

Really? I had no idea it was that popular...or popular at all.