Advice re Neighbour's chickens

Sep 14, 2024
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  1. Vegan
Hey everyone, hoping someone can help me out here! My neighbours facing me have two chickens (presumably hens?) In a cage at the front of their property. They have shade, clean bedding, food and water - but they're almost never let out of the cage to roam. The cage is big enough for them to take three steps or so. Should I approach them about letting the chickens out more? I'm aware their arrangement is more humane than factory farms. Should I post some useful materials through the letterbox (might make it less 'offensive' or 'confrontational')? And if so, any recommended links? Thank you!
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spit balling here.... if you say that they do occasionally let them out are they maybe too busy to do so on a regular basis? maybe you could volunteer to let them out for a few hours if/when you are at home?

it is a tough question for sure... welcome to the forum

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I recommend start off by just asking questions. Don't start with why don't you let them out more often.
Instead just the basics. like how long have you had them? Do you like having chickens? how old are they? how did you learn how to take care of them. What are their names?

If that goes well, go to a library (or a web site) and do a little research on enclosures. As far as I know enclosures are used either to keep the chickens from wandering away and/or keeping predators out. in suburban areas the main predators are cats and dogs. in rural area its hawks.

Either way, maybe the chickens would like a bigger enclosure. to be let out they might need to be supervised.