

Feb 9, 2021
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  1. Vegan
  2. Raw vegan
  3. Other
I salute all,

My discretion of concurrence to unity consciousness is prevalent - in solidarity with each individual as a spiritual equal. In actuality there is the necessary grind of accountability to set one from another apart. And so i feel, let us know the real impact of the primitive hierarchical mind.

I have surveyed the absolutessence in the one bond between all sentient awareness. Thus can forgive anybody not aligned by means of direct experience. The indoctrination can be a lifelong amnesia - by which we mechanically order manifest reality into material value (including non-human animals). It is important to make these observations - bare with me while i make a route to my primary point!

We can also take good note that human animals (humanimas?) can perceive the stars directly like no other entity, in mathematical cognition. We are gifted with another layer of consciousness, but what makes the gift provident is our sustained interrelation with the other bodied beings as a reciprocation of planetary order. So that, in theory, the whole morphological field of what constitutes 'sentience' - ie every singe face and heartbeat (insects included - even though i am not sure that they have a ..heart?), is a myriad of emmanence originating from one single state of 'self' - in omniexperientiality.

[disclaimer ; the innovation of new words here is an intuitive pleasure]

The main question is - to what degree are we holding accountable the people involved with hereby perpetuating violence...?

Personally i believe that the anti-speciesism campaign needs to be discussed in a greater depth and much more serious manner, which has taken an accepted form overarching the common social notion of 'normality'. We are facing a populace burdened in critical mass with the dead weight of illusion pertaining to a fear of non-superiority. What we can gain in liberation from the understanding that the world is not originally a hostile place - by means of personifying compassion and peace through our consumer behaviour - is the refracted nature of true harmony. The actuality of spiritual dominion.

This is a feat obtained only in a purity of blood - each in the wholesomeness of their own, that is. The mixing of blood is a lowly order of pleasure, that by its practice, heeds a dismembering of the higher virtues of divinity - making us fearful and thus impulsively driven creatures, simply due to the confusion experienced in the systems of our bodies - from having to separate foreign from 'domestic' DNA particles.

No - vegetation does not produce the same effect; it's DNA is water based & for the most part transparent to the 'inner eye'. In fact the more fresh plant DNA we consume, the more food for playful thought we under-carry for healthy inspiration - with zero confusion thus zero subconsciously lingering negativity &... fear.

Some of you may find this fa-aar fetched but hold on a minute, didn't quantum mechanics determine fairly recently that the observer is in actuality the creator of reality? What's not even a whole lunge in arbitrary logic from there is that the internal consistency of the observer defines the observability bestowed by capability - and we are what we eat..right? So if we're surrounded in a culture of observers who have their observability skewed by the suffering, pain, violence being consumed (resulting in an undertone of subtle disdain) we are the cooperative projectors who resonate an echoed reciprocation that enforces humanities ignorance by means of the grasp for dominance in a psychological and environmentally exploitative sense.

This all ties in very fluidly with the corruption of democracy, again representing our repressed anguish at not truly knowing our inner self since having our bloodworks intermeshed with memories from other suffered beings, starting at an infant age!

What a mess...! But it can all be cleared up in a seven year detox, physiologically at least.
And while it looks like now the corrupted capitalist twist of what was never a successfully established democracy is taking another revolution into the direction of oblivion - totalitarianist madness/. All rooted in our primary threat, the attitude of disjoint and dominance - cranked up competitive ambition - founded on a manipulated ideology in a false pretense to the meaning of what 'happiness' truly is. Distortion at its finest in an apocalyptic echelon of time.

What form of remedy is proposed through antispeceisism? A reconciliation in the memory that everyone is of the one and same mother, who will love us back in whatever way we employ our fatherly free will. :-)

In destined praise,

You from here where all is I
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I salute all,

You from here where all is I

I have no idea what you are trying to say.


  1. Be direct in your writing. Good writing is clear and concise. Lose filler words, like unnecessary adverbs and prepositional phrases, simply take up space and weigh a sentence down. Say exactly what you mean in the most direct way.
  2. Choose your words wisely. There are many ways to write a sentence, and there are different words you can choose to convey the same idea. Always choose the simpler of two words. Use familiar vocabulary instead of lofty words from the English language. Simple words are more direct and easier for all readers to understand. Use a thesaurus if you need a little help finding a replacement or an easier way to say something.
  3. Short sentences are more powerful than long sentences. A story loses steam with wordiness. Short sentences are easier to comprehend, something that readers appreciate. Avoid trying to pack too much into a line. Every sentence should contain one thought or idea.
  4. Write short paragraphs. Keep your paragraphs short and manageable. Each one should consist of sentences that support the same idea. Short paragraphs are easier to digest. They also create a more visually appealing layout on the page. Academic writing often consists of lengthier paragraphs, as they need more information to support each theme. In less formal writing, shorter paragraphs are the norm.
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Maybe you will find more frustration, unless you let your brain glide over smoothly so that the all knowing heart of hearts hears; I reiterate....

People who live in this world believing that circumstances are the defined experiential fixture from which sentient possibilities may play out are lost to a science bound to exoteric hierarchy. At the core of all inter-relative phenomena, that thread through this moment, is one introspection - in the facing of all angles in every imaginable predisposition. Every face is a face of the singularity - that is the original intelligence. That is sentient. Plants are a reflection of this - creatures are its direct embodiment. If you listen deeply you can hear yourself in every body - feel yourself in every object.

We are instinctively due to wake our proponents to this truth in any method. The distinction of speciesism holds a key clarity to this cause. Building on the narrative in philosophy and action appears imperative.

I’d like to connect with anybody in line prepared for action of a kind - to be decided.

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