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Potassium Chloride is a toxic chemical, but can be tolerated in small amounts when consumed in or on foods.

My question is why would you want to consume this toxic chemical? I'd say this might be the reason it's not more least as a food flavour enhancer. However, it would seem Potassium Chloride is quite popular when used in lethal injections to induce cardiac arrest. Go figure! I guess it's more popular than you thought.

Why would you want this on your pretzels, anyways? I don't care how good it tastes, this would be enough for me to avoid it like the plague. In this case, you might actually be better off with MSG. I'm not a chemist or nutritionist, but I'd have to think MSG is a better option for that umami flavour enhancer you seek, and not that I want either on my pretzels.
