attention Canadians

Emma JC

Forum Legend
Jun 15, 2017
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  1. Vegan
I just saw this article on CBC and wanted to share it with my fellow Canadians.

We have an election coming up this fall and our Conservative leader has decided that the new (and awesome) Canadian Food Guide will be ""reviewed"".

Please keep this in mind when voting.

Scheer says he'd 'absolutely' review Canada's new Food Guide
Conservative leader also vows to abolish Liberals' planned front-of-package nutrition labelling

Guy Quenneville · CBC News · Posted: Jul 17, 2019 4:14 PM CT | Last Updated: a minute ago

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is promising another review of Canada's recently updated Food Guide should the Tories come to power this fall, saying the latest guide is the result of a flawed and biased process.

Scheer made the comment at the Dairy Farmers of Canada's annual general meeting in Saskatoon on Wednesday, after being asked by a young farmer about the Conservatives' food policies.

"The process was flawed," Scheer said of the new guide. "Complete lack of consultation. Seems to be ideologically driven by people who have a philosophical perspective and a bias against certain types of healthy food products."

Scheer added his party wants the guide to "actually reflect what we know, what the science tells us."

"The work that you have done as a group to prove the science behind the product that you produce has been incredible and that went completely unused during the development of the new food guide," he said.

The federal health minister called Sheer's attacks "ridiculous."

"Andrew Scheer [is] spreading lies about a Food Guide that was enthusiastically welcomed by Canadians and celebrated as a world leader," Ginette Petitpas Taylor said in an email to CBC News.

"These totally inaccurate comments are hardly surprising coming from the same Conservative Party that muzzled government scientists and blatantly ignored evidence. Health policy should be based on evidence, not industry, and meet the needs of all Canadians. That's exactly the approach our government took in crafting Canada's new Food Guide."

The Liberal government unveiled its new, simplified Food Guide this past January. It had been updated previously in 2007.......

..... there is more to read in the article - click above.

Emma JC


The Liberal government unveiled a new, simplified Food Guide this past January. (CBC)