B12 excess intake


Sep 7, 2020
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  1. Vegan
So as I've recently started eating strictly vegetarian (after dropping eggs and dairy) I've started to search for a supplement for B12.

I live in Zurich and the only brand I've come upon was:

Apparently it contains 9micrograms of B12, but everywhere I read, the recommended dose for an adult would be around 4.5micrograms.

I'm already a bit disappointed of having bought these (as apparently they contain a lot of unnecessary crap) to make these, but still would like to please ask you:

- is there a problem of ingesting more than this recommended dose of?
- should I change it to a bi-diary intake (as it is around the double)?
- do you have any nice suggestion for buying some after I finish these?

Thank you!
So as I've recently started eating strictly vegetarian (after dropping eggs and dairy) I've started to search for a supplement for B12.

I live in Zurich and the only brand I've come upon was:

Apparently it contains 9micrograms of B12, but everywhere I read, the recommended dose for an adult would be around 4.5micrograms.

I'm already a bit disappointed of having bought these (as apparently they contain a lot of unnecessary crap) to make these, but still would like to please ask you:

- is there a problem of ingesting more than this recommended dose of?
- should I change it to a bi-diary intake (as it is around the double)?
- do you have any nice suggestion for buying some after I finish these?

Thank you!

I would seek advise from recommended sources such as the NHS or the Vegan Society for helpful information.
Vit B12 is water soluble so any excess dosage will be washed out through the kidneys. However, there is no need to overdose as it also
works out to be expensive.

I looked up my 3 times per week, supplement which is prescribed by a neurologist and it is a 1000 ug liquid (cyanocobalamin) solution. As it's prescribed by my doctor, I don't know how much it costs.
Edit : € 2.97 per 6 doses.

Adults (aged 19 to 64) need about 1.5 micrograms a day of vitamin B12 . If you eat meat, fish or dairy foods, you should be able to get enough vitamin B12 from your diet.But as vitamin B12 is not found naturally in foods such as fruit, vegetables and grains, vegans may not get enough of it.
Vitamins and minerals - B vitamins and folic acid - NHS
It´s great that you are eating strictly vegetarian.

µg = micrograms

The respected website veganhealth.org suggests
  • Daily supplement of 25–100 µg per day OR
  • Supplement of 1,000 µg, twice per week.
Source: Daily Needs

The book I have, Becoming Vegan, has the same recommendation.

I take 5000 µg, once per week. This one: Jarrow Formulas, Methyl B-12, Cherry Flavor, 5000 mcg, 60 Lozenges I did a B12 blood test after about 9 months of taking it and I had high levels.

The vegan society link mentioned above recommends to take at least 10µg daily or at least 2000µg weekly even while it says in the same article that the body only needs 1.5 µg per day. It´s better to go on the higher side due to a) the question of how much of the B12 will actually be usefully absorbed and b) the fact that too little B12 can be a problem, but too much isn´t. Even if you take double or treble your needs by mistake, you´ll be fine as far as we know.

You state that "Everywhere I read, the recommended dose for an adult would be around 4.5micrograms". That seems low compared to my sources? Is this the recommendation for vegetarians/vegans for specifically? Any recommendation you´ve found for general population would be too low for vegans....

Changing to an intake of 9µg every 2 days is a bad idea because your body doesn´t retain as much of the B12 for as long (so you will overall get less than 4.5µg per day. This also explains if you look above at the reccomendations per day vs per week that the total amounts don´t add up. It is to account for the fact that not all of the B12 is usefully retained.

So continue to take one per day, (or even two?). Probably doesn´t matter that much for a little while since if you have only just gone vegetarian, you probably have stores. The body has stores and doesn´t suddenly become B12 deficient in a matter of weeks, it would usually takes months or year. So focus on the right long term solution, but no panic needed to get this sorted this week - as long as you don´t forget about it.
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The respected website veganhealth.org suggests
  • Daily supplement of 25–100 µg per day OR
  • Supplement of 1,000 µg, twice per week.
Source: Daily Needs

The book I have, Becoming Vegan, has the same recommendation.

The Vegetarian Resource Group makes the same recommendation: -- The Vegetarian Resource Group

I have followed this recommendation for almost 30 years.
So as I've recently started eating strictly vegetarian (after dropping eggs and dairy) I've started to search for a supplement for B12.

I live in Zurich and the only brand I've come upon was:

Apparently it contains 9micrograms of B12, but everywhere I read, the recommended dose for an adult would be around 4.5micrograms.

I'm already a bit disappointed of having bought these (as apparently they contain a lot of unnecessary crap) to make these, but still would like to please ask you:

- is there a problem of ingesting more than this recommended dose of?
- should I change it to a bi-diary intake (as it is around the double)?
- do you have any nice suggestion for buying some after I finish these?

Thank you!

Amazon France sells this bottle of 100, 1000mcg B12 tablets (a one-year supply) for about 40 euros: Amazing Nutrition Vitamin B12 Dietary Supplement - 1000 mcg, 100 Tablets - Supports Nervous System, Circulatory Health & Energy Metabolism*: Amazon.fr: HygiÚne et Soins du corps . Per the Vegetarian Resource Group's recommendation to take two 1000 mcg tablets per week (-- The Vegetarian Resource Group), this bottle has enough tablets for one year.
Amazon France sells this bottle of 100, 1000mcg B12 tablets (a one-year supply) for about 40 euros: Amazing Nutrition Vitamin B12 Dietary Supplement - 1000 mcg, 100 Tablets - Supports Nervous System, Circulatory Health & Energy Metabolism*: Amazon.fr: HygiÚne et Soins du corps . Per the Vegetarian Resource Group's recommendation to take two 1000 mcg tablets per week (-- The Vegetarian Resource Group), this bottle has enough tablets for one year.

I wouldn't consider buying them from amazon fr as it's a very expensive site. The amazon.co. UK site sells Jarrow Methylcobalamin B12, 1000mcg, 100 Lemon Flavour Vegan Lozenges (1000mcg, 100 Lemon Flavour Vegan Lozenges) for only £ 10.90. I. Herb.com also has a wide range of food supplements which are also very inexpensive.
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