Health Issues Bipolar Without Meds?


Friendly neighbourhood vegan
Jun 24, 2012
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London, UK
I"m currently undergoing investigation through my community mental health team for bipolar (ok... she thinks I may have a personality disorder, or bipolar... but having researched different personality disorders, none of them fit me in the slightest?).

I was told I have cyclothymia by a psychiatrist ten years ago and to return to support, if mood shifts get worse (my grand dad and his brother had bipolar)... and they have. I haven't had a full blown mania... well, the closest I got was paranoia and suicidal feelings, whilst feeling pumped on anti-depressents...

I am mostly depressed and exhausted.

I don't want to take medication if I don't have to. I'm worried about weight gain, plus other side effects...

I was wondering if there are other ways to manage bipolar. It's starting to become disabling and I want my life back. It's the exhausting depressions I hate.
I'm bipolar and I'm not on meds. It takes a lot out of me to manage it this way, but I'm determined not to take them if I can help it. I manage through compartmentalising; identifying the thoughts that are bipolar and ignoring them as best as I can, distracting myself from them until they go away, seeing a counsellor when it gets too bad to handle by myself, and most importantly, learning to accept help from those closest to me. It's difficult, but it's not impossible. You just have to find out what works for you. Good luck x
Same here. I don't medicate, either. I have to watch my substances because I have a tendency to abuse them and they can trigger an attack
I have read you work overnights. If you could get a different job and sleep nights, I'm sure you would feel better in many ways. (I worked full time 7pm-7am for many years.)
I technically work 9-6 (days)... but my job can be extremely demanding. Sometimes we din't get breaks, we sometimes face threats of violence from the public, have targets, no recognition for work ect

I mean it's not the worst place I've worked, but it makes a lot of people ill...

I have looked for other jobs, but can't afford a huge pay cut and I'm not as skilled on paper as in person.

I actually am hoping to go to university next year, but I need to save money. I know I am best suited to academia.
I have lived with clinical depression my whole life. I took a series of antidepressants for decades (a med would work for 1-2 years, then lose effectiveness, and my psychiatrist would switch me to a new one). I haven't taken meds in about seven years, because they stopped having an effect.

All that being said, if meds had an effect, I would happily take them again. It's miserable slogging through this. Weight gain is a small price to pay for a little help in managing despair, IMO.
I'd rather be hospitalised than gain weight. Honestly...

I've been big and hated it. I have joint problems as it is and was prebiously using exercise to regulate my mood... until it got out of control. :rolleyes:

I'm starting a mood stabiliser, plus upping my exercise. I din't really know how I feel about it right now...
I'd rather be hospitalised than gain weight. Honestly...

I've been big and hated it. I have joint problems as it is and was prebiously using exercise to regulate my mood... until it got out of control. :rolleyes:

I'm starting a mood stabiliser, plus upping my exercise. I din't really know how I feel about it right now...
This response haunts me. Rather be hospitalized than gain weight? It reminds me of a poll I read years ago where something like 40 % of women said they'd rather lose a limb than gain 20 pounds. Our society is a mess with body image.
This response haunts me. Rather be hospitalized than gain weight? It reminds me of a poll I read years ago where something like 40 % of women said they'd rather lose a limb than gain 20 pounds. Our society is a mess with body image.
It's not an aesthetic thing (my ex was big), it's a health thing. Try being big and working out... Running... Joint pain...

Yes, there is the social aspect, such as harrassment off men, difficulty buying clothes ect... but being fit and healthy is a big thing for me. I don't want heart problems, arthritis ect...

Meh... I don't know why so many people assumebif a woman doesn't want to be obese, it's an appearance thing.
It's not an aesthetic thing (my ex was big), it's a health thing. Try being big and working out... Running... Joint pain...

Yes, there is the social aspect, such as harrassment off men, difficulty buying clothes ect... but being fit and healthy is a big thing for me. I don't want heart problems, arthritis ect...

Meh... I don't know why so many people assumebif a woman doesn't want to be obese, it's an appearance thing.
I wasn't assuming it was about appearance only. Hospitalized vs. joint pain? Not for me, but I worked in them for years, so that might account for some of my horror.
I wasn't assuming it was about appearance only. Hospitalized vs. joint pain? Not for me, but I worked in them for years, so that might account for some of my horror.
It's a number of things related to obesity... Being active (when I have the energy) is something important to me. I have issues with muscle weakness (related to dyspraxia) and hypermobile joints. This is to the point, I have trouble with grip, joints popping out, weakness ect. Obesity only aggravates it...

I'm terrified of losing my independence... My ability to move as freely as I do now... At the same time, I get so bad, I wonder how much worse until I'm hospitalised anyway :confused:

I don't expect people who haven't experienced the same things to get where I'm coming from... I just started this thread, as I don't really like any drugs in my system.
It's a number of things related to obesity... Being active (when I have the energy) is something important to me. I have issues with muscle weakness (related to dyspraxia) and hypermobile joints. This is to the point, I have trouble with grip, joints popping out, weakness ect. Obesity only aggravates it...

I'm terrified of losing my independence... My ability to move as freely as I do now... At the same time, I get so bad, I wonder how much worse until I'm hospitalised anyway :confused:

I don't expect people who haven't experienced the same things to get where I'm coming from... I just started this thread, as I don't really like any drugs in my system.
I didn't mean to sound judgmental, I'm sorry. I just think hospitals are to be avoided whenever at all possible, especially if you want to avoid meds. I wish you all the best. :)
I didn't mean to sound judgmental, I'm sorry. I just think hospitals are to be avoided whenever at all possible, especially if you want to avoid meds. I wish you all the best. :)
Nah, s'cool... I mean a few people seem to assume it (I've had it from a feminist type person or two as well)... There's body positivism and the aesthetic argument, then there's the health one... If you're sluggish, clinically overweight and experiencing other side effects, it's a lot more difficult to manage depressive cycles/episodes/weeks/months with things like exercise, socialising and so on, as it creates more challenges and makes things a lot harder.
OTOH, the last things I want to do when I'm depressed is socialize, exercise, etc. In fact, it becomes physically and emotionally impossible for me - just staying alive takes up every ounce of energy I have.
So since increasing my dose if this drug... I have gained 7lb in two weeks :( I don't know when I can see my psychiatrist next (or if work will let me have time off) and to be honest, though it's taken the edge of my depression, I'm not gaining weight for something with so little effect...

It also makes me sleep like crazy and I can only poop like... Twice a week.

Really wondering what the point of this is... I only keep going for my Mum.

P.S. I now have a working diagnosis of bipolar :rolleyes:
((Hugs)) to you.:hug:

Which medication are you on? I was put on Olanzipine and then Quetiapine and I gained about 14 lbs on Quetiapine in about 3 weeks.:rolleyes:

Have they offered you any type of behavioural therapy or group support? That really was the only thing that worked for me.
Quetiapine... Thing is, I don't eat a lot (I know a lot about weight loss and food and record my calories)... It's impossible to gain without calories. :( Got no cravings or anything and don't want to eat because I can't crap...

That said, maybe a big part of my weight gain is because I'm bunged up inside (tried laxatives last night to no avail).:oops:

I don't think I need therapy. I manage my moods and am very health conscious and exercise a lot. I'm only on meds now because my depressions are so bad I'm unable to function... Also, it's unlikely I'll get time off for therapy.
Anti-psychotics do have lots of side-effects. I avoid meds because I hate how they make me feel and it's worse to me than feeling depressed if that makes sense. I think I am very sensitive to certain substances anyway. I think the therapy for me was good because it helped me accept that I am probably going to have mood swings for the rest of my life so I have to find a way of living with them as best as I can.

I'm not against meds completely, just that they don't work for me. :)
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I wish I could avoid them... I'm stubborn as a mule and have excellent coping strategies... but my hypomanias are getting worse and my depressions unbearable. I also work full time and can't afford to lose my job

ETA: but glad you found what works for you