Blackberry season here in NS


Aug 4, 2024
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Woodville, Nova Scotia (NS)
  1. Vegan
The wild ones have weeks ago begun ripening 'round-ish the 28th of July. The thornless blackberries are just beginning to come on. All of this precedes other years, when these berries would advance to the picking stage by early September. For comparison, I have positioned the wild berries VS the 'tame' ones. These berries, due to their very dark colour, carry far more (how much, I've no idea) anti-oxidants than raspberries or strawberries. I generally eat a 1/3C - 1/2C of each every day. I pick between 50 lbs of each every year. It's a good time, well spent in nature, alone with the berries and my BE-ing.IMG_0906-001.JPGIMG_0912.JPG
Wow, those are huge! I assume the big ones are the tame variety?

We have wild blackberries that are ripe around these parts as well right now. I randomly picked and ate two when we visited a dog park in the countryside earlier today. But they also grow wild not far from our house.
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Wow, those are huge! I assume the big ones are the tame variety?

We have wild blackberries that are ripe around these parts as well right now. I randomly picked and ate two when we visited a dog park in the countryside earlier today. But they also grow wild not far from our house.
It's a thorny reward! I dress in chainsaw chaps, long sleeve shirt and boots. Yet, I still receive scratches and thorns, that need pulling as they will fester. I've been doing this for 20 years. It's a thorny reward! hahaha
We used to have blackberries and raspberries in my family home growing up. Next door used to have greengages too that we used to steal as it grew over our fence, lol.
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50 pounds of them? Wow! Black raspberries often spring up on my property. They have thorns, but not very long ones, and I've managed to keep them in small patches. I guess that's why I don't get scratched much- I don't have to wade into them. But I don't get too many: the patch was never very large, and the individual canes weren't that productive. They're good though.
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