Bloated & constipated


Mar 1, 2018
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  1. Vegan newbie
Been vegan for almost two months. Maybe it's because I eat a lot of beans and rice? But lately I've been feeling so bloated and plugged up until I have coffee and then it all comes out at once. Tips?
Do you rinse your beans in cold water before you cook/eat them?
There's a few things I would suggest.
- Eat less beans until you work your way up to tolerating more and more.
- Separate raw from cooked foods. Try not to eat them combined. Raw ultimately causes more gas and bloating
- Drink plenty of water when you eat fiber heavy meals. It is not recommended to drink a lot of water with your meal, so drink plenty of water before or a short while afterwards. However, water is critical to proper digestion.
- Natural probiotics, like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha should help as well
- Maybe a bit of cider vinegar
Maybe it's because I eat a lot of beans and rice?

What's "a lot"? How often?

Could try eating more solids rather than runny-ish foods?

Drink smoothies? I used to drink a lot of them... Which gave me a bad stomach.
Eat more veggies and soak your beans overnight in water in the fridge before cooking them if using dry. Variety in your diet will help with the bloating. Personally if I eat too much beans I get pretty bloated so I try only to eat them once or twice a week.