Religion Christians using hebrews 10:25


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Jun 26, 2012
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Midwest ,USA
  1. Vegan
I am having a big major conflict here, I am having selected amount of Christians now saying that I am violating hebrews 10:25 and I am not producing great fruit while not attending church, why are they are so fixated on people's choices when and how they attend a church? We are both healing from the move, we are learning the area here and these people says I am making major excuses not to attend church and I am for the devil now if I don't go. I had enough of this stress they are putting me under.
I am thinking of branching out to other means of Faith for awhile.
Here's a good one when they bother you about being veggie:

Genesis 1:29
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
I don't get what is so important about going to church. Is it like a chess club, where if you don't go you're not a chess player? Surely you can play chess outside the club....maybe they get jealous...maybe they want to sit at home and eat waffles like Homer. :p
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I don't get what is so important about going to church. Is it like a chess club, where if you don't go you're not a chess player? Surely you can play chess outside the club....maybe they get jealous...maybe they want to sit at home and eat waffles like Homer. :p
If you're not in church, you can't put money in the offerings basket...