City birds smarter than country birds

That is interesting. I read a cool article about crows recently, and their very intricate communication. Pretty amazing stuff--they recognize individual humans even years later. (These were wild crows, by observation, not some horrible caged torture fest.)
Yes, crows are extremely smart. Birds generally are much more complex than people give them credit for. Their emotional attachments can be quite intense, too. I used to assume that their emotional attachments weren't as strong as those of mammals, but that simply isn't true.
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I reject the conclusion in this headline! This is simply urbanite propaganda, and is not supported by the evidence. How is the ability to get food out of jars evidence of increased intelligence? This is simply learnt behavior, an adaptation to their new environment. Try asking an urbanite chick to do the same, and you'll see what I mean. Rural birds are probably better problem solvers for problems that are unique to their environment.
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