Do you have a pet?


Forum Senior
Apr 19, 2015
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  1. Vegan
I would love to be able to have a pet, but the truth is that I have always thought that I was not at home enough, my holidays were not suitable for and I could not really afford to have the pet we wanted. We would want something like a Border Collie or Alsatian. We do have the next best thing though - someone else's dog!

I should probably explain. We dog sit for selected people. We have done this for many years, usually only for friends who know we were both brought up with animals in the family, but have made a conscious decision not to have any because we were away from home so often with work.
Now we live in a small courtyard with a cluster of houses. The main house has a dog and he is often out in the courtyard or garden (8 acres - its a small holding with cattle and horses) and loves coming for walks with us. If he is about when we go for a walk, he comes. We also dog sit for the landowner as well. So like I said, it is the next best thing. We have a dog we can walk and return wet and soggy, mucky and happy to its owner at the end of a walk (:eek:) and we dog sit from time to time as well.
We have both a dog and a cat. Our dog is only a year old, he's a shih tzu and he's a big ball of energy! Our cat is three years old and he's generally pretty chilled out! When we got our puppy, our cat was a little apprehensive - I think he wasn't too pleased that he had someone else to contend with for attention! But they've grown to love each's actually super cute seeing them interact because they really are just like best friends or brothers! They sleep together, they play together, they get on each others nerves sometimes too...but they really do get along great now.

I honestly can't imagine our household without them, they're both such a part of the family!
I have two dogs. Rosie is a 16 year old Shih Tzu. Molly is a 4 year old Border Collie/Beagle/Boxer mix. She's a big goof ball and still acts like a puppy.
We have 2 cats, a dog, a parakeet, and a hamster. They are part of the family. They are more like children that don't grow up then pets to us. I talk to my cat just as I would to anyone else for that matter.
My family has a 2 year old German shepherd currently. He was a rescue, and as such is a little different, but is very loveable. Being unemployed at the moment, I spend a lot of my time looking after him and keeping him company. We've gotten pretty close, so he now at least listens to me when I ask him to move out of the way, or give him a command. Its been very nice to see some progress with him, especially because he hasn't been trained much at all up to this point.

He has only been with us for a few weeks, but he really has become a part of the family and I love having him around. Even though he's big, even for a German shepherd, he is very gentle and is a wonderful dog.
I'm relived that I'm not seeing the anti-pet crowd here. never understood that.
Good way to look at it lol. I've heard that's what grandparents think of their grandchildren.. dirty them up, sugar them up and send them home! lol

I have five cats. I should say, we're DOWN to five cats lol. We rescue animals. They just seem to find us. Of the five we have now.. two are sisters. We found them while walking my mothers dog around our campsite. We almost didn't see them. We walked right by them on our way out, so had one of them not got up on the box someone had left them in, we would have walked by them again on our way back to the site and they likely would have ended up road kill or prey. There were 5 of them, just barely walking. I searched all around the area we found them and didn't see any others that might have wondered off, so hopefully 5 was it. Two of them found homes with other campers, my mother took one and we kept the remaining two.

The other three are also rescues, but this is getting long lol. Pretty much the same stories all around except one of them was abandoned by her own stray mother.. she was diseased and wobbly when we found her screaming in the rain for her mummy. Her eyes were completely crusted shut, so she too was this close to becoming road kill. Another of our kitties came to us without a paw, broken tail, lung issues ugh. And people wonder why they need to spay and neuter their pets.
I would like to have a pet, only that my landlord only allows small pets and I'm uncertain to bring a small dog, a cat or a canary.

I had a small Pekingese dog throughout my teen years and he was hyperactive, and this factor makes me think twice about having a dog or not, bearing in mind he would be to stay inside home all the time, and this is a place with no external terrace for him at least, and not sure what breed of dog would be more convenient, another Pekingese certainly not.

Same thing will happen with a cat, not sure if cats are suitable to live indoors all the time, and while the bird seems to be a better option, I'm not convince at all yet.
I really would like to have a pet! I've been wanting one for a long time now, however owning a pet means that you have to give that pet a lot of time and attention. If I had a pet, I don't think I would be able to give it the time and attention that it deserves, so therefore I never got one. Maybe sometime in the future when I have more time and spend more time at home I'll get a little puppy!
I have one dog. His name is Remy and he's a black pug. He's almost 6 this August, and he's very hyper. He loves to play outside and also loves to eat anything that he can. But he loves attnetion because he will start to cry if he doesn't have someone around him.
We have four dogs in our house. Needless to say we love them all. They grew up surrounding the dinner table and they eat anything we feed them, no joke. My family loves animals so aside from dogs we take care of chickens and rabbits and to no surprise we don't eat them. We just sell them to people who do, LOL. We couldn't eat our pets.
Yep got two lovely dogs! A border collie and her daughter who is a kind of border collie/whippet/german shepherd cross, if you can imagine that! :D The mum (Laney) unfortunately was diagnosed with cushing's a year and a half ago :( but she is doing well, we give medication every other day and supplement with natural things like a seaweed mix we get from an animal sancutuary called Hillside here in the UK and it really does them both good, and also 'Bionic Biotic' by a company called Pooch & Mutt. They're both doing really well, even Laney despite the cushings :)
We have six dogs, two cats and some koi fish. All of them are rescued and all very spoilt and loved.
I would love to be able to have a pet, but the truth is that I have always thought that I was not at home enough, my holidays were not suitable for and I could not really afford to have the pet we wanted. We would want something like a Border Collie or Alsatian. We do have the next best thing though - someone else's dog!

I should probably explain. We dog sit for selected people. We have done this for many years, usually only for friends who know we were both brought up with animals in the family, but have made a conscious decision not to have any because we were away from home so often with work.
Now we live in a small courtyard with a cluster of houses. The main house has a dog and he is often out in the courtyard or garden (8 acres - its a small holding with cattle and horses) and loves coming for walks with us. If he is about when we go for a walk, he comes. We also dog sit for the landowner as well. So like I said, it is the next best thing. We have a dog we can walk and return wet and soggy, mucky and happy to its owner at the end of a walk :)eek:) and we dog sit from time to time as well.
I have three cats. One came into our garden and we took him in. His name is Stripes, and he's a Bengal type. Another is a male Main Coon type named Woggle. The third is a female black shorthair named Jet (so that she isn't left out, I sometimes say that she could be part Bombay). I chose Jet myself. We got both Jet and Woggle from the Cats Protection, a cat rescue charity here in England.
P.S If you are ever in a situation to have a dog, and you still want one, please do at least consider adopting a rescue dog. Rescue dogs are not always badly behaved or scarred by past mistreatment. Adopting a rescue dog will mean that you will be giving a home to a dog who may be very distressed in kennels and may not have had a good home before. It will also mean that you will not be supporting a breeder on putting more dogs out into a world where stray dogs and shelter dogs are being killed due to overpopulation and lack of good, suitable homes and people that actually want to adopt rescue dogs. This applies to cats as well. Similar ideas also apply to horses, donkeys, mules, goats, pigs and other large animals, as well as smaller animals such as hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, degus, mice and rats.
Thank you.
Best of luck
Yes, I have 2 of them. One is white and another is black. They keep me busy all the time. I am happy to get them.
I love animals (although the amount of love that my anxiety allows me to feel for them at certain times can be limited). Regardless though, even at times in which my anxiety about Buddhism and kindness for animals, I still love them and want to be kind to them deeply down.
I have three cats. Jet, the one I chose, is a female black shorthair. (I sometimes say that she could be part Bombay, so that she doesn't feel left out!) Woggle is a Maine Coon type, and he is huge. He is a huge wimp and a Daddy's boy! Stripes is at least part Bengal. He is very vocal, or "gobby" as we call it. All of our cats are rescues, Jet and Woggle were adopted from the Cats Protection, and Stripes came into our garden as a "stray" one winter. We tried to find his carer/s, but ended up keeping him.
Despite the fact that my mum and sister are both cat people, I am more of a dog person, although I do love cats as well, and I do love my cats. When I get my own place (or when I move into a rented/supported living accommodation that allows animals), I would like to have a dog, a cat, a couple of rats and, maybe, a couple of chickens or pigs. I may end up getting the rats first, if I move into supported living, which is extremely likely.
Have a great day (or night)!
We have four dogs in our house. Needless to say we love them all. They grew up surrounding the dinner table and they eat anything we feed them, no joke. My family loves animals so aside from dogs we take care of chickens and rabbits and to no surprise we don't eat them. We just sell them to people who do, LOL. We couldn't eat our pets.
Selling them to people who eat them isn't good. Those animals still die either way. I'm sorry if this upsets you, but it is cruel to sell them to people who eat them.
Please don't sell them to people who would eat them. Either keep them and give them a good home, or re-home them to people who will give them a good home and won't eat them.
Thank you.
Have a great day (or night)!
river phoenix and joaquin phoenix. River is black white orange tabby. Joaquin is orange tabby. They are so funny and sweet.They like yarn, ping pong balls, catnip toys.
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