Eastern cougar extinct

That must have been awesome.
It was unbeliebable, I just froze there. The eyes are yellow. A lot of wild pigs are in those woods, and of course snakes, so I was being careful, but didn't expect a panther! They are still endangered, but more are being spotted, so hopefully their numbers are going up. :)
I used to volunteer at an exotic animal rescue when I was a teenager and this was one of mountain lions (cougars).

Someone had dumped him at a vet's office because he couldn't stand.
The vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with his back legs and he was sent to the sanctuary. They were trying to build up the strength in his back legs by holding up his tail just enough that he was able to stand. I was the 'carrot' that walked in front of him, just out of reach, and encouraged him to chase me.

I don't remember it happening, but apparently he did catch me one time. I remember being at the doctor's office getting a tetanus shot and explaining to the doctor that the scratch was from a mountain lion. It was just a tiny scratch, but since they weren't sure why he was sick, they felt it was better I got the shot to be safe.

Sadly, he died only a few months later. :( His problems were probably caused by poor nutrition. People often keep big cats on a diet of canned dog food which is bad for them. There were other big cats there with physical problems caused by being kept on a canned dog food diet, including a lion who was dwarfed because of it. He was small, but ferocious.
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I would think that canned dog food (and especially the cheap kinds, which is undoubtedly what they were fed) contains insufficient protein for an obligate carnivore. :(