US far right is turning meat consumption into a culture battle

Amy SF

Dweller in nature
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I'm liek, in Cali, dude.
  1. Vegetarian

“To millions of Americans, how much meat one does or doesn't consume is merely a dietary choice; to some far-right culture warriors, meat consumption is a political statement. And Colorado, according to Politico contributor Nick Bowlin, has become Ground Zero in the meat battle as right-wingers rail against Democratic Gov. Jared Polis for declaring March 20 MeatOut Day in the western state.

Polis isn't demanding that Colorado residents give up meat entirely or even for a week. Rather, he is urging them to refrain from eating it for one day, and even that is a request — not a command. Restaurants in Colorado will still be free to sell beef, pork or chicken on March 20.”
It's going to require some flexibility and mental gymnastics but I am going to try and make this a win.
I know a few vegan-hesitant progressives who just might jump on the vegan bandwagon if they associate meat eating with the alt-right.

Can we get anti-vaxers to defend meat packing? Gun rights advocates to advocate hunting? Forever Trumpers to endorse fast food? Climate change deniers to promote beef?
It's going to require some flexibility and mental gymnastics but I am going to try and make this a win.
I know a few vegan-hesitant progressives who just might jump on the vegan bandwagon if they associate meat eating with the alt-right.

Can we get anti-vaxers to defend meat packing? Gun rights advocates to advocate hunting? Forever Trumpers to endorse fast food? Climate change deniers to promote beef?
'Plant based' is more likely to win them though. Big divide between plant based eaters and vegans. I swear I hear more criticism of vegans from plant based folks than I do meat eaters! Actually, I hear a lot of criticism of vegans from vegans :fp:🤔
It's going to require some flexibility and mental gymnastics but I am going to try and make this a win.
I know a few vegan-hesitant progressives who just might jump on the vegan bandwagon if they associate meat eating with the alt-right.

Can we get anti-vaxers to defend meat packing? Gun rights advocates to advocate hunting? Forever Trumpers to endorse fast food? Climate change deniers to promote beef?

Oh it's absolutely a win. Anytime someone defends animal exploitation it's a chance for others to see how poor their arguments actually are.

I wish we could avoid it becoming a partisan issue. But I say let the far right lean into the culture war aspect of it - driving some leftists toward us - while we continue to treat conservatives as persuadable.
I think if you argue with the far right in such a way that apolitical people, centrists, and other left wingers who are not yet vegetarian are listening to the debate, it can be a win. You may not be convincing the person you´re arguing with, but someone else may be quietly listening. Let´s try and take away their freedom of choice argument by saying "you are free of course to do whatever you want, here´s why I do this". And try and come across as polite and reasonable.

If anything, I think the far right are shooting themselves in the foot. They don´t realize the more debate on this issue, the more they eventually lose.