Forks over knives has a mini movie

Emma JC

Forum Legend
Jun 15, 2017
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
I received this today in the mail from Dr McDougall - a very heartwarming story and a lifeline to anyone with Type 2 Diabetes or family/friends with Type 2, pass it on to them!

Watch how Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams turned his health around after a devastating diagnosis.
Eric Adams, the elected leader of New York City’s largest borough, had diabetes that was so severe that he was losing his eyesight as well as the feeling in his legs. Adams learned about and adopted a whole-food, plant-based diet—and soon afterwards, his condition and all accompanying symptoms were completely reversed. He has now made it his mission to promote plant-based eating as a powerful way to improve health and well-being throughout his community.

Emma JC
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Yes I watched it yesterday. My aunt has Type 2 diabetes, but she thinks carbs are the problem.
May I suggest you pass on to her the videos from Dr Greger.

He has a series of 3 videos that explain that Type 2 Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance which is caused by a build up of fat in the cells of the muscles.

Here is the first of the videos and there are links for the second and third towards the bottom of the page:

Emma JC