Hello everyone!


Jul 6, 2021
Reaction score
  1. Vegan newbie
Hello everyone,

I am vegetarian since about two years (at least I thought so, but now I know products like cheese, wine and beer are not necessarily vegetarian) and want to transition to mostly vegan. "Mostly", because there are many people in my social environment who totally accept vegetarians, but don't understand vegan nutrition. I know this is not a good reason, but maybe I will change my mind when I'm at six days a week vegan with one vegetarian "cheat day" for meetings with friends / family.

There are two reasons for me to sign up here: I hope to participate in interesting discussions about things like vegan lifestyle, sustainable living and sports (I'm not sportive at the moment, but I want to change that also). And another, more selfish, reason is the hope to find motivation to get and stay vegan and sportive by reading about your stories and by sharing experiences.

Best regards :)
Hello everyone,

I am vegetarian since about two years (at least I thought so, but now I know products like cheese, wine and beer are not necessarily vegetarian) and want to transition to mostly vegan. "Mostly", because there are many people in my social environment who totally accept vegetarians, but don't understand vegan nutrition. I know this is not a good reason, but maybe I will change my mind when I'm at six days a week vegan with one vegetarian "cheat day" for meetings with friends / family.

There are two reasons for me to sign up here: I hope to participate in interesting discussions about things like vegan lifestyle, sustainable living and sports (I'm not sportive at the moment, but I want to change that also). And another, more selfish, reason is the hope to find motivation to get and stay vegan and sportive by reading about your stories and by sharing experiences.

Best regards :)
welcome to the forum

You have definitely come to the right place for motivation and great discussions.

We look forward to sharing your journey with you and look forward to your contributions.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
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Thank you so much for welcoming me so kindly! :blush:

I'm still reading through all this interesting threads in the Transitioning section and are really motivated (and 100% vegan since joining :) ).
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Thank you so much for welcoming me so kindly! :blush:

I'm still reading through all this interesting threads in the Transitioning section and are really motivated (and 100% vegan since joining :) ).
HI Welcome, I'm new here too, about 2.5 years for me, about 2.2 years for my husband.

Were you making a joke, you've been 100% vegan for 30 hours now? Because that was kind of funny. But if you didn't mean it to be funny, then, congratulations! There's a lot to learn if you are interested in nutrition. Glad to meet you.
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Dairy was by far the hardest thing for me to give up, as we live in Wisconsin, the Dairy State, and I made homemade cheeses for 2 years. That made it difficult. The craving part was like an addiction.

One thing I did not realize, was all the inflammation I suffered from, joint pain, breathing through my nose, it really affects everything. When I gave up dairy, I could now breathe through both nostrils/sinuses. Before I knew my left side wasn't as open as my right side, but I thought it was just normal. I was wrong. Having both nostrils/sinuses open for breathing is great. Imagine 58 years of not realizing I had inflammation! Joint pain gone.
Dairy was by far the hardest thing for me to give up, as we live in Wisconsin, the Dairy State, and I made homemade cheeses for 2 years. That made it difficult. The craving part was like an addiction.

One thing I did not realize, was all the inflammation I suffered from, joint pain, breathing through my nose, it really affects everything. When I gave up dairy, I could now breathe through both nostrils/sinuses. Before I knew my left side wasn't as open as my right side, but I thought it was just normal. I was wrong. Having both nostrils/sinuses open for breathing is great. Imagine 58 years of not realizing I had inflammation! Joint pain gone.

Addiction is really a good description. At the moment my carbs tastes a little bland without cheese. But I'm feeling much better after eating lunch (or is it dinner? I'm speaking of the "main" / warm meal of the day) - a little lighter. And I try to spice my meals as much as possible (preferably with oodles of garlic - since I've read in a book by Dr. Greger that garlic is very good against inflammation, and I love it anyways), to make up the missing dairy.

I am very glad that you got rid of the inflammation, that's great! :)

Welcome, @Tyll !

In addition to all the great vegan-related threads, @Indian Summer also set up a subforum ("Health & Body") where people discuss physical activities. Check it out!

Thank you Tom for welcoming me and the hint, I will definitely have a look! :)
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