

Forum Practitioner
Jun 5, 2012
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Been a while since I've "seen" most of you. I'm an old VBer who joined on this place when it was first created, but life's been busy, so I haven't been on either forum much the last few months. I guess finding a new job and moving 1300 miles (2000 km) will keep a guy busy. Used to be in southern Florida, now in the Chicago area.

Hmm... does this place have a juggle smiley? :juggle:
Edit: I guess there's no juggle smiley. :cry:
FROMPER!!! Yay! It's about time you have returned! :)
Welcome back.

What a crazy move! How do you like Chicago? Have you been to the Chicago Diner yet?
I don't know the Chicago Diner. I'm still getting to know the area. I live in the northern suburbs, and work in the downtown loop, so I mostly know the far north side and suburban areas around my home, and a little bit of the area around my work downtown. I've found plenty of restaurants with veg options, but I don't think I've been to any entirely veg places since I've been here.

Flash is doing well. He's pretty happy in the new place, though he doesn't like hardwood floors. There really aren't any hardwood floors in Florida - carpet's pretty standard there. But here in Chicago, homes seem to almost never be carpeted, so I have hardwood throughout my apartment. I have a big rug in the living room, so he pretty much stays in there all the time, which is probably good. I still keep the bedroom and bathroom doors closed when I'm not around, to keep him from getting into any mischief.

Hi Fromper! :)

A friend of mine bunny sits for her son's rabbit. Bijou hates hardwood floors, too. So my friend has a bunch of runners that she puts down just for times when Bijou comes to stay with her. It's cute how he stays on the 'carpet trail'.
I've just got a single, large rug covering the majority of the living room. There's about 1-2 feet of wood floor on all sides of it, though. His cage is against the wall, with a runner from the main rug to the cage entrance. But to get to his litter box outside the cage, he has to walk on the wood for maybe 2 feet, or else go through a cardboard box I left him that connects the rug to his litter box like a tunnel. Because the box is partially collapsed, he doesn't go in it much any more. Also, his favorite place is a much larger cardboard box behind my couch, which he has to walk on the wood to get to.

So he does walk on the wooden floor when he has some place specific to go (which is quite often), but he prefers to stay on the carpet when he's not in his litter box, cage, or cardboard boxes. This also means he hasn't really explored the rest of the apartment much, which is probably a good thing, since the bedrooms aren't bunny proof at all.
