Holocaust denial vs. arresting Holocaust deniers


Forum Legend
Jul 11, 2012
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Holocaust denial has increased greatly over the last few decades. Rather than debating them(as any free society would), Israel, Canada, and many European countries have decided to arrest them. Both sides could be considered controversial. Which side do you disagree with more? Is either side in the right?
I wonder what will happen in a hundred years, when anyone of the WW2 era will have been dead quite a while...It will be easier for people to believe it was some sort of conspiracy. Places like Auschwitz may just seem like it was built as part of the conspiracy, people might even claim it was made as a film set. If we maintain a technological society, in a hundred years computer graphics will be completely realistic, and the idea of faking old film footage will be commonplace. In fact people WILL fake old film footage, for fun, and to try to prove historic events as they want them to be believed. Holocaust deniers will fake footage to prove their point, and believers will fake footage to prove their point, and by then I can't see how anyone would take film footage seriously whatever it is, even it it is the genuine article.
It might actually be easier for people to believe as time passes since shame won't be as relevant. Evidence is easier to view rationally when emotion is not part of the equation.
That's true..but it also does depend on what happens as time passes...it would still be a blot on Germany's history, and for some people that may be too much to accept to have happened within the last few hundred years, if a shiny new history could be painted.
Perhaps it will just be another subject they have to study in history, while whatever atrocities are about to happen in the coming years will be more relevant to them.
Which side do you disagree with more?

I disagree most with whichever side arrests the most people in contravention of the right to free speech, personaly.

I disagree even more with anyone and everyone who 'knows' what did, or did not, happen at times and places they were not there, themself, in person.

The degree to which I disagree with anyone who thinks that truth ever survives a war is absolutely boundless.
In Britain we are still proud that we had an Empire. I would reckon that Germany is quite a proud country too. I think the WW2 could be turned around to look like the brave little guy that took on the world if they wanted to see things that way....Maybe they could claim the Auschwitz was built by the allies after they beat Germany.
Perhaps it will just be another subject they have to study in history, while whatever atrocities are about to happen in the coming years will be more relevant to them.

Do you think a native American feels the same way about America's history, as a person with non-native ancestry, when they learn about it?
In Britain we are still proud that we had an Empire. I would reckon that Germany is quite a proud country too. I think the WW2 could be turned around to look like the brave little guy that took on the world if they wanted to see things that way....Maybe they could claim the Auschwitz was built by the allies after they beat Germany.

I certainly don't criticize Germany for trying to build an empire. It was the fad and still is, all the cool countries are doing it. Take away the genocidal aspect of it and it was just another random war.
Do you think a native American feels the same way about America's history, as a person with non-native ancestry, when they learn about it?

Absolutely not. But in another century or two when there are neither pure blooded natives nor whites that can trace their roots back to the colonists that overtook them, that too might change.

I'm about 1/2 German from Russia (great grandparents came in the early 1900's), 3/8 colonial descendant, and 1/8 Lakota. What should I call home, and which parts of history should I relate to? The Bolshevik Revolution, or the conquering of 1/8 of my native ancestors?
Absolutely not. But in another century or two when there are neither pure blooded natives nor whites that can trace their roots back to the colonists that overtook them, that too might change.

yes that's true, but maybe Germany will remain a distinct country, with their own language and economy.
For my 1/2 Lakota half brothers, their native ancestry is clearly of much larger concern. For my German speaking grandmother whose parents immigrated from Russia, the German Russian heritage is more relevant. As for me, I'm a mutt, and okay with that :p
I don't know that much about my ancestry, they all came from within England the ones I know about, but a few generations further back there are probably Polish people Scandinavian people etc.
I have yet to encounter a Holocaust denier who has not been anti-Semitic and/or sympathetic, to at least some degree, with the attempted genocide, so there is no contest at all as to which "side" I disagree with more. The two "sides" aren't comparable in any way.
I dont think they should go to jail, but they clearly have an agenda of some sort. In Europe it is a side effect of the economic crisis, neo nazi groups wanting to take their frustrations out on immigrants (instead of the real culprits, the big banks of the world, greedy corporations, warring governments and the Scroogy 1% elite).
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Anyway, all you need to do is go to Poland or Hungary or Germany and you can feel very clearly that something was very amiss there during World War II. I have been to Krakow near where Auschwitz was, though I was too freaked out by the idea of going there. My ex went there without me and I stayed in the town that day.
I have yet to encounter a Holocaust denier who has not been anti-Semitic and/or sympathetic, to at least some degree, with the attempted genocide
David Irving(I've read his book, and he's far from a neo-nazi), Robert Faurisson, and Ernst Zundel. As far as I'm aware of, few people whom have been arrested are sympathetic towards Hitler or his actions.