Okay, so this is a little out there- I buy Visbiome for my cat, who's recovering from a health issue.
It's got the 8 most studied and beneficial strains for cats and humans alike.
I want to try making the Instant Pot version and wonder which type of vegan milk alternative is the most prebiotic to these strains, or more simply, what makes the best vegan yogurt?
This is completely uncharted territory for me, and I've heard all sorts of weird and strange-sounding recipes, including soaked cashews and coconut and guar gum..
-Maybe it's just me..
Does anyone have any experience making probiotic yogurt in an Instant Pot? Soymilk, oatmilk, coconut milk or rice dream?
One capsule has 225-billion strains, I'm guessing that's plenty..
I'll list the strains below for the science nerds, and in case it's useful in determining the proper substrate.
Will post updates, pictures and reviews!
Thank you so much for considering! Mods, if this is in the wrong place, can you move it? I appreciate it!
L. acidophilus DSM24735
L. plantarum DSM24730
L. paracasei DSM24733
L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus DSM24734
S. thermophilus DSM24731
B. longum DSM24736
B. breve DSM24732
B. infantis DSM24737
It's got the 8 most studied and beneficial strains for cats and humans alike.
I want to try making the Instant Pot version and wonder which type of vegan milk alternative is the most prebiotic to these strains, or more simply, what makes the best vegan yogurt?
This is completely uncharted territory for me, and I've heard all sorts of weird and strange-sounding recipes, including soaked cashews and coconut and guar gum..

-Maybe it's just me..
Does anyone have any experience making probiotic yogurt in an Instant Pot? Soymilk, oatmilk, coconut milk or rice dream?
One capsule has 225-billion strains, I'm guessing that's plenty..

I'll list the strains below for the science nerds, and in case it's useful in determining the proper substrate.
Will post updates, pictures and reviews!
Thank you so much for considering! Mods, if this is in the wrong place, can you move it? I appreciate it!

L. acidophilus DSM24735
L. plantarum DSM24730
L. paracasei DSM24733
L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus DSM24734
S. thermophilus DSM24731
B. longum DSM24736
B. breve DSM24732
B. infantis DSM24737