Hullo. n00b here : ))))


Jul 12, 2022
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
hey fine vegan folks. I am mostly am looking for a place to chat with like minded people and have cool convos instead of mindlessly scrolling on those dumpster fire social media pages when I have downtime at work/breaks etc. Hopefully, this will be better hehe :)) *fingers crossed*

I'm from Toronto, CA. Vegan for 5 years (officially, next month). Vegetarian for 9 years before then.. though mostly vegan for the last couple of years of that.
I'm a Spiritual Director and Certified Reiki Practitioner so I am very spiritually minded. I don't really subscribe to any religion and feel that they are very limiting but instead, think we are all connected regardless of faith/creed or anything else.
I have two companion animals of the feline sort. They are orange tabbies. Their names are Halo and Massimo.

What is everyone up to? : )
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Hi, Vegan_gurL! It looks like there are lots of Canadians here, so you are in good company. I have only been here a short time, but it is a friendly place.

We have two feline companions who live in the house, and another two that are too feral (but getting better), and live in an outbuilding.