Question, bit of a convuluted one, spawned from the "How to Answer 'Those' Questions" topic ...
Defining hypocracy as; "The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform".
Q1: If a person admits to not being able to conform to the moral standards they claim to believe in is that still hypocracy?
E.g. If an omni admits to believing unnecesary animal cruelty to be wrong BUT also admits to not being able to live up to that standard (dietarily) is he/she still a hypocrit?
Q2: Is a veg*an (on the assumption that veg*nism see's speciesm as moraly wrong) a hypocrit if they see a greater wrong in, say, the beating of one of their own species than they see in the killing of one of another species?
Defining hypocracy as; "The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform".
Q1: If a person admits to not being able to conform to the moral standards they claim to believe in is that still hypocracy?
E.g. If an omni admits to believing unnecesary animal cruelty to be wrong BUT also admits to not being able to live up to that standard (dietarily) is he/she still a hypocrit?
Q2: Is a veg*an (on the assumption that veg*nism see's speciesm as moraly wrong) a hypocrit if they see a greater wrong in, say, the beating of one of their own species than they see in the killing of one of another species?