Income inequality vs. race


Forum Legend
Jul 11, 2012
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From my experience, liberals tend to focus more on race as the big issue(similar to abortion with conservatives) with income inequality a distant second. Which do you consider more important? If we have a major downturn next year(probably caused by low oil prices) does income inequality start to get the attention it deserves?
I don't think falling oil prices will cause a downturn, but I'm no economist.

I think both issues are important. Right now, the racial divide seems wider than since I was a kid in the 1960s. And the divide between rich and poor is far more vast. And what @Mischief said. ^^
Race equality is, I think, some that can be achieved.....where as I don't think anything close to income/wealth equality will be achieved as it goes against our nature.

We had a major down-turn and income inequality actually got worse, today its gotten easier to manipulate the masses so any sort of revolutionary movement is pretty easy to squash.
I recall reading student loan debt is at $33,000 on average, increasing 8% last year. You just can't go on this way for much longer. This isn't being addressed by the government or media at all with very few exceptions. Europe's in even worse shape at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Greece, Italy, Spain, or maybe some of the other countries that are in very bad shape just simply collapse when the next big recession hits, leading to other countries collapsing and the human population starts declining. Humanity may be in the worst shape it's ever been at in many centuries as far as the future goes.
The Dow took a big hit this week as oil prices continued to slide. And you have problems like this:
Oil Bust Contagion Hits Wall Street, Banks Sit on Losses | Wolf Street
At this point I expect another downturn(possibly worse than the previous one) in the first half of next year and income inequality will only get worse.
Unless something is done about the Student Loan debt, you could be in serious trouble within 5 years. I consider population size the biggest issue in the world today, but I can see income inequality as being up there from a human perspective. It's just that important. The Occupy movement achieved nothing, but I expect they'll be out again if you have another downturn.