US Iowa's influence on politicians

Christie isn't going to win Iowa over no matter what, I can tell you that. Iowan Republican's are way to the right of him. He can't possibly think pandering to farmers like this is going to matter.
Joe Conason had an article mostly complementary towards him. Then you read an article like this, and realize he's just another politician(not a good thing).
Joe Conason had an article mostly complementary towards him. Then you read an article like this, and realize he's just another politician(not a good thing).

Yep. I think he's pretty sound on some subjects - despite my obvious political differences. But yeah, every now and then he lowers himself into the muck with all the other idiots. I'm still waiting for a sensible Republican to stand up be counted. I think they're out there - but they don't have the gonads to make a stand.

***Edit: This particular political pandering is unforgivable. IMO.
I'm still waiting for a sensible Republican to stand up be counted.
I'm still waiting for a sensible politician to stand up. Even third party candidates don't appeal to me too much. At this point though I'm ignorant of what Christie stands for mostly, and I certainly wouldn't trust Conason as he may be the most dishonest syndicated columnist out there.