Is a product 100%vegan if it contains traces of animal products?


Apr 30, 2018
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Is a product really vegan if it has risks of having animal products in it? (Such as the product being made amongst dairy products)

For example a drink company brought out a vegan version of its milk drink. The risks of contamination are there and also you could drink it and not know. Another example is some protein powder, it’s got on it “made in factory processing milk and egg products”.
Personally, if there is a risk there I will avoid the product If possible.
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Absolutely agree with @Blues . Other than allergies, I see no need to worry because you are not paying for the accidental traces, you are paying for the deliberate product ingredients. Of course, if you don't feel comfortable, don't buy but it won't be helpful in any way to abstain.
Is a product really vegan if it has risks of having animal products in it? (Such as the product being made amongst dairy products)

For example a drink company brought out a vegan version of its milk drink. The risks of contamination are there and also you could drink it and not know. Another example is some protein powder, it’s got on it “made in factory processing milk and egg products”.
Personally, if there is a risk there I will avoid the product If possible.
From what I know about manufacturing, there is less risk of contamination than there is buying a vegan option at an otherwise non vegan restaurant, or even sharing a kitchen with omnis.
The best question is what benefit will avoiding those foods achieve? There is a push now to get people eating more plant food, mostly with a health or environmental benefit in mind. As someone concerned with having fewer animals used I'm happy about this, even with companies like Nestle, which is pretty high on my boycott list!

Who benefits from personal purity?
From what I know about manufacturing, there is less risk of contamination than there is buying a vegan option at an otherwise non vegan restaurant, or even sharing a kitchen with omnis.
The best question is what benefit will avoiding those foods achieve? There is a push now to get people eating more plant food, mostly with a health or environmental benefit in mind. As someone concerned with having fewer animals used I'm happy about this, even with companies like Nestle, which is pretty high on my boycott list!

Who benefits from personal purity?
I want to make sure I avoid any animal products in me
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Maybe it would help if we stopped thinking of food as vegan. People are vegan, not food. Now we are free to examine food from the perspective of why we are vegan instead of from limiting rules about what we can and can't eat.
I think it would be too restricting to live that way. You would have to avoid most processed foods.
The food usually does not contain animal products. The production line is thoroughly cleaned between events. That is to warn people who have life threatening allergies. For instance, some people, with nut allergies, are so sensitive that even a few grains floating in the air can be fatal.

This is mostly warning people of some small, almost imperceptible, amount that could possibly have entered the food production.
Almost every vegetable product will become a food source to some animal somewhere at some point. (the exception is Egyptian tooms, where food lasts forever, lol) You are, an animal, of some kind. Vegetables are very animal attracting, because it is good food. So your 5 gallon pail of wheat may become an attractant to moths/worms. The vegetables in the garden may have chipmunks or deer attracted, and you will be exposed to animal protein by the sheer force of molecules of the animals brushing by. Knock it off. It's not a big deal.

This is not kosher not kosher. This is not an allergy. This is a mind-set. This is the nature of vegetables. Leave them in water with salt, they ferment and little biological animals help ferment it. There is just no way to get away from it. Try not to fear it. There is no point. Leaving vegetables in water gives a mold and fungus reaction, that's a normal reaction.

I'll never forget, being 10 years old, eating a stuffed pepper. There was a worm in the side of the pepper. I was 10. I was grossed out, while eating a ground beef stuffed pepper. Not smart me.
Leave them in water with salt, they ferment and little biological animals help ferment it. There is just no way to get away from it.
I agree with everything else you said but this. Maybe just nitpicking on my part but fermentation with the help of little biological animals. They are not little animals they are bacteria. They are not part of the animal kingdom but they have their own kingdom.

Originally there were just two kingdoms, animals and plants. But since the 50s (I think) bacteria have had their own kingdom.

Well, as long as I'm here I might as well give my 2¢ on this question too.

I can't get upset about cross contamination. I don't think its a relevant issue as far as animal exploitation goes or dietary concerns.

There are also a lot of little things that sometimes get included in foods that would make it "not vegan" from non vegan vitamin D, to some of the food dyes, and what not. I used to have all that stuff memorized but I mostly disregard it. I think you have exceeded the point of diminishing returns when you get into the small stuff.

My favorite slogan is to paraphrase, don't let perfection get in the way of good enough.
I agree with everything else you said but this. Maybe just nitpicking on my part but fermentation with the help of little biological animals. They are not little animals they are bacteria. They are not part of the animal kingdom but they have their own kingdom.

Originally there were just two kingdoms, animals and plants. But since the 50s (I think) bacteria have had their own kingdom.

Well, as long as I'm here I might as well give my 2¢ on this question too.

I can't get upset about cross contamination. I don't think its a relevant issue as far as animal exploitation goes or dietary concerns.

There are also a lot of little things that sometimes get included in foods that would make it "not vegan" from non vegan vitamin D, to some of the food dyes, and what not. I used to have all that stuff memorized but I mostly disregard it. I think you have exceeded the point of diminishing returns when you get into the small stuff.

My favorite slogan is to paraphrase, don't let perfection get in the way of good enough.
Well you make just EXCELLENT points. I didn't know bacteria have their own kingdom, well cool.
Vitamin B12, isn't that a bacteria? It is one or B12 is created from them so there is some good in bacteria.
"Don't let perfection get in the way of good enough" yep, I agree there too. Perfection is often rooted in black and white thinking. The only thing we can do as humans in this world is strive to be good and perfection is out of reach.
B12 isn't a bacteria but a vitamin that is made by a bacteria. (although I don't know why)

Yeast are not technically bacteria but they are also single celled organisms. Yeast and bacteria and responsible for all kinds of fermented food including beer, wine, cheese, etc.