Is eating meat bad for your soul?

Jinendra Singh

Forum Senior
May 22, 2018
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united Kingdom
  1. Vegan newbie
Whether animal or plant, all living things take part in the endless cycle of birth and death; humans are no different. All animals are a gift from mother earth, which nourishes us and teaches us to grow. We need to be grateful for the bounty of the natural world, and not abuse it. what about your opinion Eating Meat is Good ??
Vvell your soul is a bit like the fat on your stomach..
Actually that is a lie, its not. Might be like your brain though. Regardless definitely slaughterable and many probably used as cattle.

I much fear "heaven" is a farm. Driven tovvards, even feeding ourselves. I doubt it to be the case though.

I could go into details on vvhy it is bad for your soul:
Much like you interface vvith the microbiology on the keyboard you type at and the screen you look at, through the microbiology that might partially be you, at the very least something your body interfaces vvith.
Then your body is a unique energy structure; like an (programmatic term) SSH key. There is a continuous and various other layers and things like that connecting you to [your] soul.

Its like saying "my" body, its an ovvnership disease; vvhat is ovvned can be transferred.
The soul that you at least temporarily are, much like you are the hand.
No animals aren't a "gift" to us, they exist by their own rights. In earlier times people actually ate far less meat, not more. Multiple religions have restrictions on the consumption of flesh, some eradicating it entirely. Even the Christian-Jewish traditions cite the first humans as being vegan, and God only allowing animals as food very grudgingly/angrily in multiple Old Testament accounts, and laying down multiple restrictions to protect agricultural animals by primitive standards.

Its also a lie that animals were "created for people" (in the Abrahamic religions nonhuman animals were created BEFORE people which is in agreement with evolution, and are described as companions not meals). In the New Testament it was Paul, not Jesus, who said fasting and other food law was no longer necessary (many early Jewish Christians were vegetarian in the Nazarene tradition that Jesus was probably born into) and "Pauline Xianity" is disgustingly rampant in the US.

Sure if you have nothing else to eat in a very rural or developing area, milk and cheese make sense (like in India) and very particular tribes hunted to survive because of climatic conditions.

But most people in the first world don't need meat or even dairy, and rather than being a natural gift, mass animal product farming is in reality destroying the earth.
This is a question of spirituality and treads the line of "my God is right and yours is wrong."

It depends entirely upon your upbringing and culture. Because spirituality is deeply personal this is a question you have to ask yourself and weigh for yourself in relation to the God of your understanding.

I recommend praying about it if you have questions. The answers you will get here come from human beings, after all, and we're definitely not infallible.
I strongly disagree with the last post. Moral relativism is a post modern disease. Thanks to moral relativism the earth is dying and Donald Trump is the US president.

Moral relativism says it's OK to torture animals for human pleasure. It also suggests its "racist" to stop tribes from eating primates or marrying girls off at age 10.

Either you get it or you don't. There's room for interpretation surely but eating flesh in a case that's not absolutely necessary for survival in the wilderness is intentional consumption of unconscious murder.
By the way, I want to add that my stern reply isn't crazy or pedantic. The typical response to my protests against post modern moral relativism is "but you couldn't be vegan or feminist if it had never happened."

That's not true at all. The American constitution and our modern sense of human equality and fairness actually stems from Enlightenment science. For that matter, so does veganism. Veganism is a rational ethical philosophy that has various scientific evidence to support it, including the impact of animal agriculture on deforestation and climate change, the impact of animal products on long term human health and of course our dawning awareness of the interconnectedness of all creatures in earth, the capacity for suffering in animals, plus evidence that Western consumption of meat actually starves people in developing countries. Immanuel Kant would probably be vegan if he was alive today. So would Jesus (I address a lot of my Biblical and Jewish Israeli sources for the morality of veganism and vegetarianism in the Abrahamic faiths as well as Eastern philosophy like Buddhism all around the site).

Sorry to double post but I felt a need to go ahead and address what a meat eater imagines is their brilliant defense.
I'm coming at this completely in response to the "soul" aspect of this.

There are lots of people who are atheist, for example, so a soul doesn't even equate at all.

There are lots of religions out there that advocate things I find atrocious, but people in those religions feel that their souls are safe because they are doing what they've been told that their God says they're supposed to do.

I don't know what the OP's religion is. I'm not going to stomp all over it, either. He was asking if his soul is safe if he consumes meat. I don't know... that's up to "his" God, I suppose. (Not saying I would agree with his God, however.)

My own personal beliefs are that eating meat is wrong. Torturing animals is wrong. So it's not good for *my* soul to eat meat. But that's my personal relationship with the God of my understanding.
I think any relationship that involves meat consumption lacks understanding.

I see things like this throughout history. Environmentalists Gifford Pinchot and Teddy Roosevelt were devout Christians, Pinchot an EXPERT forester, were pioneers of the modern progressive movement.

This was in 1910 and in the Republican party and they were both male, rich and white. Our friend John Muir looked down on them.

People are ******* stupid. Only the best and the brightest sometimes know what's going on. Muir, Pinchot and Roosevelt are pioneers in modern thought. Pinchot has been greatly maligned. Roosevelt discredited.

To give credence to any individual man is absurd. I have studied comparative religion. I know the scientific basis for veganism. Any " only men know but why" is bizarre to me. Veganism is empiracally better than everything, vegetarianism better than meat consumption, and "there are lots of religions" is some horse **** repeated by cowards.

I'm not a coward. I'd rather go down in history for what I believed (or just influence silently) than be liked for being politically correct.
No animals aren't a "gift" to us, they exist by their own rights. In earlier times people actually ate far less meat, not more. Multiple religions have restrictions on the consumption of flesh, some eradicating it entirely. Even the Christian-Jewish traditions cite the first humans as being vegan, and God only allowing animals as food very grudgingly/angrily in multiple Old Testament accounts, and laying down multiple restrictions to protect agricultural animals by primitive standards.

Its also a lie that animals were "created for people" (in the Abrahamic religions nonhuman animals were created BEFORE people which is in agreement with evolution, and are described as companions not meals). In the New Testament it was Paul, not Jesus, who said fasting and other food law was no longer necessary (many early Jewish Christians were vegetarian in the Nazarene tradition that Jesus was probably born into) and "Pauline Xianity" is disgustingly rampant in the US.

Sure if you have nothing else to eat in a very rural or developing area, milk and cheese make sense (like in India) and very particular tribes hunted to survive because of climatic conditions.

But most people in the first world don't need meat or even dairy, and rather than being a natural gift, mass animal product farming is in reality destroying the earth.

I noticed at one point that fleshfarms (is the vvording not just neat?) are like "poison the vvell"-strategies microbiologically.

The very universe might not be a "cheap structure" in hovv this exists; thus living vegan and all that manifests quite a lot better in affecting the universe. There might be ideas like "even if its sufferable and horrible, lets just get through it to end it all" and akin.

Just look at all the "vvorld vvill end"-prophecies; like attempts at using illusion to generate reality. Like "oh, its not possible to open that door, vvhy vvould I even try then?". Sorry for the shaping of the metaphor.

-- Thanks for the "God.. grudgingly"; like god vvas affected/dragged into stating it being okay overriding the free vvill of his, thereby vvhile some functions retaining being grudgingly.

I do think though, that that is not God, even if it is vvhat some people go by/define as God.

God is more like an idea to me, a concept; not a name.

I recommend praying about it if you have questions. The answers you will get here come from human beings, after all, and we're definitely not infallible.

From or through, at the very least affected not only by the channel, also by the language; the limitations of the very reality vve exist in.

Moral relativism says it's OK to torture animals for human pleasure. It also suggests its "racist" to stop tribes from eating primates or marrying girls off at age 10.

Are you sure that is vvhat Moral relativism says?

-- note to self; not to be dragged into Ethos used for other peoples/groups/etc. purposes; draining ethos is a bad idea, costly. In animal bodies.

Either you get it or you don't. There's room for interpretation surely but eating flesh in a case that's not absolutely necessary for survival in the wilderness is intentional consumption of unconscious murder.

Its much more simple than that. I do not have an asvver to everything, but I have not done much but think for a loooooooooooooong time (expensive production line, like piece of clothing involving a lot of people eating meat and used leather in machinery).

Vve humans are more like on a civological layer; vve are not able to partake in the self-regulation of nature like other beings vvith a fundamental core of similarity to us are. Vve should principally not even be eating plants (the tough part; heard of breatharianism? tech is also a direction, through sacrificing addiction .. aint gonna vvork, because if it does then it vvorks right? Its just a planet and a single lifeform, easily slaughterable.. = mistrust, fear, etc. and little by little it does not vvork..).

Veganism is a rational ethical philosophy

Thanks, I dislike the sacrifice of you though (cancelling it out, for reasons, dont imitate): its kind of a in-the-box-putting and very limiting to definte it like that. It might be a layer to it or a layer that grovvs such.
Its a life standard, an integrity point, an ascension point, a health necessity, a living requirement (for some more than others and deeper than living requirement for others more than some), a tiny part of many things necessary, a component to an unlocking life situation ..

I felt a need to go ahead and address what a meat eater imagines is their brilliant defense

Brilliant .. shiny .. useful .. grovvn and grovving .. harvestable?
I did ponder today: GMO, at least its direct, honest and criticizeable. Also editing a gene is not just the gene being edited; it can be editing countless genes and circumstances far avvay affecting again things locally. Though illusions to teach lessons, kids are not beat in schools for a reason.

-- -- crazy part, to some extent, on some points

Novv I begin fearing above pattern is like a logical thing; akin to one of those plants grovving up a tree. I thought not too long ago; if I vvere a boddhisatva and that vvhole tree thing happened, it vvould have to be a tree vvith such a vvhatever it is called, to unlock such trees so its not a parasitical thing (though some do not seep nourishment from these, I inspected such recently, afraid it did; its like scary things: So I fear above vvas like that).

Gotta like unlock to a healthy relation, not a parasitical one. I think upon going deep enough living, any parasite vvill either turn to be something healthy or leave of its ovvn. Trying to say something, completely unable to; except as I do this (being like temporarily let out): Trees and those things grovving up them can coexist, it is possible to unlock. A tree also has "responsibility" for hovv it consumes from the planet in the same manner the human does.

-- added in edit: The fear, more likely through forest_nymph person and likely through me also: I assume forests of areas connecting or something like that, based on (her) name and the fact that I sleep in forests and vvalk around vvithout a T-shirt vvrapped in vvhat I sleep in.
Indeed, the internet can be addictive, for forests also it seems.
-- -- I eh, assume (obviously relatively to the above statement being the case) I am being used to tempt people into the forest. At one point I lay and vvell did not vvant to nor try to think, and suddenly there is like this female vvalking around singing closely. Thought as simple a truth as it is; regardless, she is too much family.

-- This reminds me:
In 2016 I vvas put through some pretty horrible things, so during that + environment causing great unclarity, I became very very angry.
I decided that since demons exist and eat souls regardless, its kinda more fair that these go for people eating flesh. Learned this does not much make sense since and concluded that frankly, these demons just gotta target efficiently to cancel out flesheating.
A main point in this vvas; these demons might as vvell do something neat and cancel out their ovvn need/craving to eat souls by partake in freeing through cancelling out fleshdevouring.

I did a lot of neat things like that, just sad it took kind of a horrible shape.

Fed horrible food, sat at table vvith people eating flesh, forced in situation: Good things come not from the layer of anger, though the layer of caring ..

Its like grovvth of deeper lavv. Its also as simple as vvhere there is much negativity directed and hovv easy something is. So something probably decided to be very smart and thought it actually vvould help to cause negativity directed, though that also vvould be sensed.

I guess, likely an inspired thought at the time, causing a "return here and get slaughtered again" like situation.

I'm not a coward. I'd rather go down in history for what I believed (or just influence silently) than be liked for being politically correct.

Here you are being like pinned dovvn, made to continue on a particular path - just makes me sad to observe. Not a vegan vvay to grovv something, its like slavery done to animals. A practice I do; to observe vvhere vvhat I go through is similar to something horrible I do - rather than learning by nevv things being done to, just looking at the past.​
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I'm sure that's what most people who hold steadfast to their beliefs say to themselves. The Nazis said it, the Roman Catholics said it. At the same time a lot of caring human beings say it all the time, too.

My world's not black and white. I prefer to see it with eyes wide open. It's not a move to be PC and liked by everyone. It's just understanding human nature and being willing to work within those constraints.

Sure, I'd love to see my personal agenda realized the world over. Probably won't happen until at some point we all end up under one world order with the same laws and beliefs held everywhere. Converting 7.6 billion people to one faith, one set of laws that we all interpret exactly the same... would be amazing.
Its vvhat vve do, grovving the core points betvveen the different "grovvth sticks" (like crop grovving up) - the vvay out is clear.

Like dont vvant to be slaughtered? dont slaughter.
Dont vvant soul roasted and eaten? Dont roast microbiology and eat the flesh of beings, its like causing cannibalism. Overall possible to cancel out causing cannibalism obviously.

Vvhy though? Converting all to one faith? Its like there gotta be comptetition, also useful for the companies, just improving healthy core points does a lot. Things vve all can agree on; see - vve even got to not rob each other (though novv vve drug each other and pretend such to be health vvhile families promote their children suppressed, drugged and used - regardless of level of illusion and unconscious action).

Kind of a negative grovvth, sorry about that. Gotta reverse that.. Try distancing yourself from uncomfort and comfort and realize its just temporary grovvths, the pain if anything indicating that there is an unhealthy soulgrovvth.