Just wanted to say hello!


Feb 18, 2018
Reaction score
  1. Vegan newbie
hi everyone!
literally just joined! looking forward to joining in with the discussions xxx
I though instead of starting a new thread I would post here as this is my introductory post to all. Here is a my story.

From being young I have never really got on with animal products. when I was younger I was made for dinner, beef lasagne and I was incredibly ill after it. my parents thinking it was a one off kept trying me with beef and other red meats, the same results everytime I became very sick.

With this association with meat, I began to eat only a small amounts, and I found chicken, and fish were ok with me, but did make me feel a little queasy and just not myself. I am ok with diary product and other animal bi-products. I carried on, but just simply found vegetarian dishes more appetising than meat, as admittedly I was scared to death of becoming sick.

I made the decision, to go Vegan as basically being vegetarian I thought it would be an easy transition. I have to say it is the best move I have ever made!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so much better in myself, I feel full of energy, I am sleeping better, my stomach where I got constant pains, I don't have anymore!! yay!! my skin is glowing and a lot of my friends and family have said that I look as if I have lost weight too.

would love to hear your story... xxx
Hi! I just joined too. :). I was also vegetarian for quite a while before gong vegan a couple years ago, and the transition was SO easy. It's crazy just how much lighter and full of energy I feel after eating now!
Hi! I just joined too. :). I was also vegetarian for quite a while before gong vegan a couple years ago, and the transition was SO easy. It's crazy just how much lighter and full of energy I feel after eating now!

honestly I've Never felt so well :) I wish I had done this sooner! :)
thank you for your reply and hi from the UK to BC, Canada! xx
Welcome, Bec. Congrats on making the transition. it sounds like the diet really agrees with you both physically and mentally which is great. I also assume if your feeling amazing, you're doing a good job of getting in good quality whole foods and not just eating cheeseless pizza, so well done on that front also. Through these forums and other online resources, it is only going to get better.