Maddy McCann - Scotland Yard Investigate in Portugal

Scotland Yard detectives and the British press are proving to be most unpopular with the Portugese police and the locals. Furthermore it is the start of the holiday season and digging up parts of the beach is going to deter lots of tourists.
While I feel extremely sorry for the parents, I have to wonder why the police should spend so much time and effort searching for Maddy, who, let's face it, is probably dead by now, when there are so many other missing persons, many of whom may still be alive.

Anyway, it's a sick, sad world where little children can go missing just like that, I have to say. :(
There is little hope that she is alive however, her parents can't accept the fact which I fully understand. The worst thing is not knowing
what happened to the little girl.
I suppose that they will never forgive themselves for having left the children alone whilst they went out.