What is the line with medication? I have a bottle of Tab-A-Vite multivitamin w/ iron. I've been taking it because I need the nutrients and I am borderline anemic. Currently I don't have a ton of money to buy vegan versions. Am I violating my vegan principles if I take these meds and wait to get organic/WFPB ones?
You have to do what feels right to you. When I first made the decision to be vegan I obsessed. If I saw an ingredient that could be sourced from either plants or animals I avoided. As I've learned more about how I liked to eat plant based and felt it to be my normal I've become far more lenient in extraneous ingredients
You already have these products. You could try and give them away....but then spend money on others taking away from something else.....
I vividly remember a day years back when I was out of algae DHA. I had found taking these significantly improved my focus (ADD). I went to a CVS drugstore seeing them on sale as buy one get one, and big bottles. I was shocked to find that while they were vegan, algae, they were in gelatine capsules! (strangely enough the fish oil ones next to them were in veg caps

). I walked around that store, went back to my car, back inside, and finally felt I was being stupid. I bought the pills. I never regretted that decision.
I am a firm believer in doing your best, and being true to what that means for you.
People with higher incomes, only needing to think of themselves I put far greater standards of strictness. Those living paycheck to paycheck, or with families, I feel far more grace
If I were you I'd finish the vitamins, taking the time to research other options