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Awwww really. I want to see Trance. Without ruining it, what was **** about it? In the old days id think "pff who cares about opinions ill go see it myself" but at £13 a ticket Im a bit fussier with cinema these days!
Awwww really. I want to see Trance. Without ruining it, what was **** about it? In the old days id think "pff who cares about opinions ill go see it myself" but at £13 a ticket Im a bit fussier with cinema these days!

It was just dull, didn't care what was going on so couldn't be bothered to care if it made sense or not ( it didn't). Hard to see the point of it. Definitely Boyle's worst film by a long way.
I was talked into watching Resident Evil last Friday and I normally don't like any scary movies with the chance of blood or gore, but I surprisingly really loved it. I'll probably watch the sequels soon.
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Just watched The Tall Man, it was really good. I like movies with lots of twists.
Watched Exam, nice to see something with a somewhat different storyline.

Up next is The Perfect Host.

eta: Just finished watching The Perfect Host. I very much liked it. Funny and twisted. :up:
David Hyde Pierce was wonderfully psychotic.
Watched Drive and it was quite good.

Yeah? I've been putting it off. It seems like it might upset me, for some reason... I watched the Ryan Gosling one where he was a crackhead teacher and it made me sad. Drive seemed like the kind of movie that gets worse and worse for the protagonist...