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Yeah? I've been putting it off. It seems like it might upset me, for some reason... I watched the Ryan Gosling one where he was a crackhead teacher and it made me sad. Drive seemed like the kind of movie that gets worse and worse for the protagonist...
If an art house movie and an action movie had a baby, it would be Drive. I haven't seen Half Nelson yet.
Yeah? I've been putting it off. It seems like it might upset me, for some reason... I watched the Ryan Gosling one where he was a crackhead teacher and it made me sad. Drive seemed like the kind of movie that gets worse and worse for the protagonist...

I feel the same way about Drive! At first I was all "Wow I want to see this movie. Looks intense" then I saw a longer trailer for it and thought "**** that! ". It seems like one of those movies that would just be seared into my brain forever and not in a good way.
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I watched the first half of Tim Burton's version of Dark Shadows last night, then decided to quit and go to sleep. Unfortunately, unless you watched at least a few episodes of the original TV series, you really can't get into the movie much. I don't really remember the series; I think I only watched one or two episodes, and that was a LONG time ago.

I thought there was going to be more comedy in it, based on what I read about the movie right before it was released last year. From what I saw, there was only a little bit of it. I assumed that much of the modern part of the movie was going to present Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) as a fish out of water, with a lot of jokes about the 1970s. There were some, but I think the movie was confused as to whether it was a horror movie, a comedy, or a horror movie with a little humor to it.

I'm going to try to see the rest of it at a later time. Obviously I can't review an entire movie based only on the part that I saw.

I liked Johnny Depp's portrayal of Barnabas Collins, more or less, although while I was watching, I kept thinking "Oh, I prefer his performance in Ed Wood and I'd rather see that movie actually." :p
Oblivion. I just ended up confused. I got the plot, but there was a massive plot hole and it made the whole film pointless.

Why did the pyramid thing need humans to help it in the first place? Why could they have not just sent down an alien or a robot to do the work? Nowhere did it explain why they had to clone someone, erase their memory, and lie to them, just to do drone maintence work. If theyre so smart I dont get why there wasnt another way? Even a weak shitty explanation such as "we die of common colds if we go to the earth" or "only humans know how to work earth properly" or some bs. IDK.
Last night watched Where The Buffalo Roam. Bill Murray was brilliant, too bad it was so shoddy otherwise, could have been so good.

Just caught the last 2/3 of Season Of the Witch. I love Nick Cage, why is he so awful at choosing films? Terrible.
Has anyone seen Nicole Kidman's latest film Stoker ? Some reviews state that it is her best film in 10 years, especially after the flop ; Australia.

I've only ever heard good things about RDJ's Sherlock movies. Huh.

I quite liked the first one, though it would have been really easy to change all the names and have maybe one person go 'you know I think they might have been inspired by Sherlock Holmes'. It's was silly stuff, but enjoyable enough.

The one last night was AWFUL and I love Robert Downey Jr. It didn't make sense, I couldn't be bothered, the jokes fell flat. Guy Ritchie is an idiot. It isn't hard to make being tortured with a meat hook by an opera fanatic sinister. If you can't, you suck at your trade.
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Has anyone seen Nicole Kidman's latest film Stoker ? Some reviews state that it is her best film in 10 years, especially after the flop ; Australia.

This is one I want to go see, that and the new star trek. I probably will have to wait till it comes out on video though as we only have 2 screens in town. Nicole Kidman has all my fetishes wrapped up in one package, lol.
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Watched Life of Pi tonight. Thought it was ok. Don't get the hype.

Oh man, I watched it too, and I have to say I loved it.

Gorgeous movie. And I don't just mean the special effects!

I saw The Great Gatsby this weekend. Don't have much to say about, really. I very much enjoyed it, though there were many things I didn't particularly care for. The hip-hop mashed with jazz age music is the coolest part, aside from some shots of the film which were gorgeous. It's a fabulous story, but of course better in the book. Dunno. Happy I saw it.
Watched Guilt Trip with Seth Rogan and Barbara Streisand. It was funny and "cute", but unlike Seth Rogan's other movies, it's not something I'd watch over and over.