Old Debate Forum Rules & Etiquette

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The Fire That Burns Within
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
In the Church of the Poisoned Mind
[Please note: As of 19. May 2014, these rules are no longer in use and have been replaced with guidelines.]

The Debate & Current Events forum (DCE) is a place for opposing views. Sometimes opposing views unavoidably come with strong emotions. Therefore, please be warned that discussions can get heated, and your views will probably be challenged, sometimes vehemently.

Still, this is not intended as a place to vent or wage wars; it is intended as a place to rationally discuss topics of interest. So if you feel yourself getting upset by a comment, then take a step back and post later.

If you believe a post contains a personal attack, then please report it. (There is a report link under every post.) Do not respond in kind. The moderators will review the report and take action if they find the post unsuitable.

The Veggie Views general rules apply in this forum as in all others, but we also have additional rules that pertain to the DCE forum only. Violations may have consequences for your posting privileges in both the DCE forum and the other VV forums.

1. Images: Any images posted in the debate forum must be relevant to the topic of the thread.
2. On-topic: Keep on topic - avoid making off-topic posts. This includes “empty” responses, or general chit-chat, such as "lol I agree" or "this thread is silly, why can't we stop making threads about this?". Do not derail threads. Only post responses when you have something to contribute to the debate. If a topic is of no interest to you, then don't post in the thread. If a topic brings up another issue, start a new thread.
3. Incitement: Do not create threads here for the specific purpose of inciting others.
4. Evidence: Be prepared to support your assertions and arguments with evidence if someone questions your claim. Do not persist in making a claim without supporting it. All unsupported claims can be challenged for supporting evidence.
5. Quoting: Make sure it's clear who or from where you are quoting and also ensure the quoted text is clearly distinguishable from the rest of your post.

1. Use meaningful titles for your threads.
2. Take advantage of emoticons when appropriate, as needed.
3. Avoid using CAPS excessively.
4. Please try to avoid “wall of text” or “stream of consciousness” posts. Break your thoughts into meaningful paragraphs.
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