Privacy vs security

Second Summer

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Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
BRUSSELS — Even before Islamic State militants killed at least 31 people this week in Brussels, the symbolic heart of Europe, governments across the continent were moving to bolster security by expanding already robust surveillance powers.

But the carnage in the Belgian capital, and the likelihood of continued terror plots, have failed to extinguish a sharp debate across Europe over augmented law enforcement and communications monitoring. Critics fear that such measures as enhanced government access to personal data or passenger records will impinge upon Europeans’ privacy without breaking down the barriers that have undermined anti-terrorism efforts in the past.
More: Brussels attacks rekindle privacy vs. security debate in Europe (26. March 2016)

It has been said that while borders within the EU (or at least the Schengen countries) have been removed, so there is free flow of people (and terrorists and explosives etc!) the national intelligence services don't share intelligence very effectively, so there is not free flow of intelligence.

What do you think is the right balance between security and privacy? Or is that a false dichotomy? How much resources should the government spend on surveillance? Are CCTV cameras on every street corner making us safer? Is Muslim immigration in the West a security issue?
More: Brussels attacks rekindle privacy vs. security debate in Europe (26. March 2016)

It has been said that while borders within the EU (or at least the Schengen countries) have been removed, so there is free flow of people (and terrorists and explosives etc!) the national intelligence services don't share intelligence very effectively, so there is not free flow of intelligence.

What do you think is the right balance between security and privacy? Or is that a false dichotomy? How much resources should the government spend on surveillance? Are CCTV cameras on every street corner making us safer? Is Muslim immigration in the West a security issue?

We are heading to a society where privacy will be a thing of the past. The EU should act promptly and tighten it's borders and make it difficult for terrorists to set up networks. It is vital to change certain laws as the free of people via our borders is just not working.
I am fine and prefer to live in a country where you have CCTV cameras like in the UK. They have proved to be a necessity and as most people say ;'' if you're not doing anything wrong, why should you care''.

Terrorism in the European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

These 5 Facts Explain Why Europe Is Ground Zero for Terrorism

I was a witness of a terrorist attack whilst I was in London in the 90's. I can confirm that it is a most scary thing to live through. Moreover, I would have been injured as I was in one of the shops where the glass was blown out. Minutes before the bomb exploded something told me to get out of the shop which I promptly did.

1994 London Israeli Embassy attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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