Whilst reading the thicker skin thread, it occurred to me that it would be a partial solution for people to be able to put threads on ignore, so that they can't see them listed, so that they could break away from an argument.
I know that people can put the OP on ignore and that will have the same effect, but that would be a bit dramatic for most situations.
Also it would be nice to have the option if there was a thread you just didn't want to see.
This seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to incorporate an 'ignore thread' button somewhere...maybe it would be a big change...
I was wondering if the software had that add on option, or if it could be requested.
I think most forums could benefit from this function.
I know that people can put the OP on ignore and that will have the same effect, but that would be a bit dramatic for most situations.
Also it would be nice to have the option if there was a thread you just didn't want to see.
This seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to incorporate an 'ignore thread' button somewhere...maybe it would be a big change...
I was wondering if the software had that add on option, or if it could be requested.
I think most forums could benefit from this function.