^^^ Good question. I haven't heard anything new. 'course, it's early spring where I am...
I'll have to keep an eye on the bees this year as I'm working in my garden. Entomology is an interest of mine anyway, although I don't collect insects.
I tend to be interested in the solitary bees: there are a lot of bees who don't make hives- each female tends a little burrow or burrows, or maybe a hole in some wood, and provisions a small nest with honey and pollen for each of her young. I like them! I guess they can sting, but it's usually not as bad as from a honeybee or bumblebee... although I don't know because I've never been stung by one of the solitary bees. Some of them like to lap up sweat from people's skin and that happened to me once as I was riding my bicycle. It was the oddest sensation as I watched that little tongue (or whatever they have) working on me...