September Health Challenge (2017)

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Forum Legend
Sep 15, 2013
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Post your health goals and support your fellow VVers with theirs! Health goals can be anything health-related, whether mental or physical - not necessarily just exercise and weight loss!
I needed to start this for September now, as I want to brag!

I've lost enough weight now to hit my first big goal. To have a normal BMI. It's at the moment 24.8, so I'm happy! I'm not one of the few cases that high BMI is because of my really big and heavy muscles. :p I was hoping to manage to get a normal BMI before 19th September, as I have a scope that day. And I did.

I have still a lot of weight to loose, and have no clue where I end up at the scale. The scale isn't the most important, as other things do count much more. How my shape is, my endurance, how I feel about myself and how I look.
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I needed to start this for September now, as I want to brag!

I've lost enough weight now to hit my first big goal. To have a normal BMI. It's at the moment 24.8, so I'm happy! I'm not one of the few cases that high BMI is because of my really big and heavy muscles. :p I was hoping to manage to get a normal BMI before 19th September, as I have a scope that day. And I did.

I have still a lot of weight to loose, and have no clue where I end up at the scale. The scale isn't the most important, as other things do count much more. How my shape is, my endurance, how I feel about myself and how I look.
Way to go, Mikkel. I am so happy for you!!
I'm not accomplishing anything to write home about, but I am still getting my steps in. Weight isn't budging but I'm not really trying, so maintaining isn't such a bad thing, I suppose.

I'm sleeping better, at least 3-4 nights a week.

Still need work with cutting back on sugar.
I'm still dealing with the toe issue, so no treadmill or hiking of late, which is making me a little cranky. I have been doing the spin bike, but I need to up the intensity. It's just not as fun as the treadmill or walking outside, but I am going to suck it up and get my cardio in. I might also try the rowing machine, now that my knee seems to be mostly OK.

I am going to continue watching the white refined carbs, as my weight is creeping up just a bit. Nothing dangerous, but it's enough for me to notice, and it's time to get serious. :D
I'm trying to eat less takeout food and processed food, partly for health but also to save money. This week I made a double batch of veggie shepherd's pie and put a batch in the freezer, then made my own veggie corndogs and put some of those in the freezer too.
As I wrote in the chat thread, I did a running technique class this week. I got good feedback on my running, as it's quite good up to the point I get too tired.

I had my first run today after the class, and found out it was easy to land correct on my feet now that I know about where it falls appart. And just focused good on that on the end. I also noticed my head drops when I get tired, so that one I also need to work on.

But it felt good. I need some new clothes though. I need pants of some sorts, that isn't too long. I see how big a lot of my clothes are, and I see that I've been more than 84 kilos. I was in the store today, but even medium thights are too long for me, so I need 2/3 lenghts on the feet (then they probably are around my ancles...).

So I lost at least 17 kilos now. But probably more than that too...
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Today I did my first sort of swim run. First I swam 1500 meter, streched out in the warm pool, showered and changed to my running clothing, and then to the forrest for a 2200 meters run. Haven't run in the forrest for a couple of years now, so my technique was really rusty. But my legs!! They was so heavy and it was so though. I felt like I dragged them all the way, and barley broke a swet. So a really great and new experience.
Yesterday I did the spin bike for 40 minutes, and today I focused on weights after warming up for 10 minutes on the bike. It feels good to be back in some sort of exercise routine, even though I still can't do the fast walking or treadmill yet. Baby steps. :D
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I was so looking forward to see my doctors today, to show that I have lost weight. But they wheren't there, and I won't see them until later this year. :p But then I can loose some more weight.

They claimed it looked good, and I can continue to eat soy. Tissue tests was taken, but no clue if I need to wait for them to be 100% sure. So I don't celebrate too much before I talk with them again, and continue to eat soy now.
I needed to start this for September now, as I want to brag!

I've lost enough weight now to hit my first big goal. To have a normal BMI. It's at the moment 24.8, so I'm happy! I'm not one of the few cases that high BMI is because of my really big and heavy muscles. :p I was hoping to manage to get a normal BMI before 19th September, as I have a scope that day. And I did.

I have still a lot of weight to loose, and have no clue where I end up at the scale. The scale isn't the most important, as other things do count much more. How my shape is, my endurance, how I feel about myself and how I look.

I just saw this. Well done Mikkel. Amazing achievement!:clap:
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