This is my first post so I'll jump right into it. I've been thinking about becoming Vegan for a long time now and am getting ready to make the transition. I'm a college student who is going to join the military soon and then get a degree to work in criminal justice based jobs. I'm a pretty big guy and typically work out 2 to 3 days a week. I want to become vegan because it seems as though it's more inexpensive and because I love gardening and cultivating vegetables and fruits which gives me a sense of accomplishment. I also want to live healthier and longer. I've always liked eating meat but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is something I can't live without. I don't eat meat every day, however, I do sometimes eat eggs. Most of my diet is whatever I can get my hands on at that moment which means that if a banana is there then I will take it. I don't mind cooking and actually, enjoy it to a fun but mild extent. I love cheesecake which is not vegan which will be the hardest to give up. I really want tips on how I can start off on a college student living with their parents because he works a part-time job and doesn't want to take out loans amount of money. Are there any recipe websites that could give me easy recipes that could get done with ingredients adding up to less than 15 dollars a meal (I'm only cooking for myself) and also take less than 30 minutes to complete. A lot of recipes I've seen look very complicated and time-consuming. I appreciate your help in advance as I transition over to this new form of lifestyle for the good of my health. Thank you.