Hi everyone,
I recently joined the vegan gang and with a close friend of mine I'm writing an essay on veganism. We made a survey and we really need some participants! It is about your lifestyle and health.
It won't take long! And it would help us a lot!
If you want to help us by filling it out, just click on this link below:
Thanks in advance!
Britte Brontsema, The Netherlands
I recently joined the vegan gang and with a close friend of mine I'm writing an essay on veganism. We made a survey and we really need some participants! It is about your lifestyle and health.
It won't take long! And it would help us a lot!
If you want to help us by filling it out, just click on this link below:
Survio® | Enquête over uw veganistische dieet
Geachte Heer / Mevrouw, Neem alstublieft een paar minuten tijd om de volgende enquête in te vullen.
Britte Brontsema, The Netherlands