Swedish Glace

They don't make the caramel one anymore do they? That used to be my favourite flavour.:( I usually just buy the vanilla one now but I also like the neapolitan.
I've only had the Neapolitan which is sooo good. The only other one I've seen anywhere is vanilla. I want the mocha! Yum.
Funny how peoples tastes differ. I would never choose a fruity option over chocolate or anything else non-fruity :D
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When we finally get together (will probably have to wait until we are in Vegan Heaven with the Angels, haha) we will have to compare Swedish glacé with So Delicious Cashew Ice cream!
When we finally get together (will probably have to wait until we are in Vegan Heaven with the Angels, haha) we will have to compare Swedish glacé with So Delicious Cashew Ice cream!

I'll be in Vegetarian heaven but yes we can compare the two ice cream. You really can't beat the texture of Swedish glace which SD lacks.:p
I'll be in Vegetarian heaven but yes we can compare the two ice cream. You really can't beat the texture of Swedish glace which SD lacks.:p
But...I thought you haven't tried the cashew milk variety, yet? I would probably agree with you otherwise. I was so surprised by the creaminess. That's why I need to try the Swedish glacé. :)
But...I thought you haven't tried the cashew milk variety, yet? I would probably agree with you otherwise. I was so surprised by the creaminess. That's why I need to try the Swedish glacé. :)

Oh but I have. I bought some at 49 th Parallel store and gobbled the whole carton of ice cream. The taste was fabulous but the creaminess just was not there.:D
Oh but I have. I bought some at 49 th Parallel store and gobbled the whole carton of ice cream. The taste was fabulous but the creaminess just was not there.:D
Oh, cool! So Swedish glacé sounds like it's the winner. Alas, I will never know! But I'm very satisfied with the cashew milk ice cream. I guess when you compare the cashew to SD coconut or almond milk varieties there's no contest, IMO. And the soy milk ones are runner ups. I find the almond and coconut milk to be bland and not creamy. Good that there are so many options, though especially for people with allergies or sensitivities... Or in the case where you want to avoid dairy and you have no other options.