The lost art of aged cooked vegetables?


Forum Practitioner
Mar 23, 2018
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Years ago when I started my journey I disliked cooking multiple times a day because it meant washing a ton of pots. So I thought up a plan to cook a big pot of vegetables before bed for the next day. The first night I cooked dinner plus food for the next day to be placed in a big pyrex glass bowl. I felt amazing the next day after eating these aged cooked vegetables left covered on the countertop.

Then I moved back to my home country to pursue my passion and lost this art. For many years I've consumed my food right after it's cooked until recently I was trying to figure out why I felt "without a care in the world" when I started my journey.

Yesterday I cooked my vegetables in a specific way and with more quality protein and fat than years ago. Today I had my big bowl of aged vegetables and I can't even explain it... My awareness and energy went through the roof and got quite a bit done with ease.

I can only assume that aging cooked vegetables makes the nutrients more bioavailable? or maybe bacteria ferment the cooked vegetables? Is it just me?
I want to make sure I understand this. You are suggesting I steam some broccoli let it cool on the counter then put a lid on it then eat it tomorrow after leaving it on the counter?
I narrowed it down to the mashed yellow potatoes. I'm not sure what is going on with these potatoes but I can only assume.

My hypothesis is that the glucose in the mashed potatoes are being fermented by airborne microbes into ketones since I've noticed is that the mashed potatoes don't cause a spike in glucose when consumed.