Vegan Treacle Tart


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the South
  1. Other

Shortcrust pastry:
175 g spelt (or plain) flour
75 g vegan margerine
1-2 tbs iced water
1 pinch of salt

Filling :
250 g Golden Syrup
75 g brown breadcrumbs
grated zest of lemon plus juice

Make the pastry by rubbing the vegan margerine into the flour with a pinch of salt.
Add enough water and mix to a firm dough. Cover and leave to chill for an hour.
Turn out onto a flourd surfac and knead. Roll out thinly . Use to line a 18 cm tart/flan
Mix the breadcrumbs, syrup lemon zest and juice. Fill the pastry case with the mixture.
Roll out the trimmings, cut into narrow strips and make a latice pattern. Place over mixture.

Bake in a preheated oven 200°C for 25 - 35 mins.
Serve warm with Oatly or soya cream.

Tip : You can serve the treacle tart with a scoop of vegan vanilla ice cream.


Oh yumyum! With Custard :lick:

You could also cheat and use Jus' Roll pastry which I am 99% sure is Vegan :)
Great recipe Shyvas, this is one of my favourite foods. I don't cook it often because I can't stop myself eating too much of it.

Some Jus Roll pastries are vegan, others have butter. The ready rolled Shortcrust is, but not the all-butter one (obviously). Not sure if this is available in other countries.

You can cheat even more and buy Mr Kipling's treacle tart which is vegan :D