I cancelled my cable about a year and a half ago. We had a pretty cheap plan ($50/month for basic and a few extended basic channels), but I didn't feel we used it that much.
We do have Netflix; we've had it for several years. We have the cheapest streaming service (one device at a time), plus one DVD (blu-ray when available) at a time. We've had the same service pretty much the whole time we've had Netflix; it suits our needs. I think it's about $17/month.
We recently purchased a Roku box, but previously ran Netflix through our Internet-connected blu-ray player. We do also have our Nintendo Wii connected to the Internet in the bedroom, but we almost never watch anything in there.
I recently got an Amazon Prime subscription, which has pretty much the same streaming offerings as Netflix. (I got it for the upgraded shipping, not the viewing options.) It will allow us to watch two different things, though, plus rental offerings.
I wouldn't mind trying Hulu Plus if they ever had a nice free trial again. (I think it's one week now, but in the past they've had one- and two-month free trials.)
There are some things I miss watching on the tv, such as The Daily Show, and my husband liked to zone out to the History Channel. We are fortunate that an inexpensive digital antenna gives us a good signal for network tv, and amazingly the picture is clearer now than it was when we had cable. If the weather is bad the reception isn't always great, but we can get the major networks and a few PBS stations just fine.
Husband has taken to zoning out to TED talks (available on Netflix), and if I want to watch The Daily Show I can do so on my computer.