Vegan Cat Dies ! Top World Vet says..but Taurine !

Vegan Dogs

Forum Legend
Mar 1, 2016
Reaction score
  1. Vegan

Be careful, just a warning. VEGAN CAT DIES ! all cats die one day ? eeek !
This cat died 0.2 second after photo was taken.

Found in "Vegans with Issues" group....with this thread header..

I understand some people here feed their companion animals non-vegan pet food for whatever reason. Its not a banned topic, but you have to understand this is a Vegan ? group first and foremost. So don’t brag about how you’re feeding dead animals and proud of it. You’ll find a boot in your bum. ??‍♀️"

A vegan diet is now abuse? Someone should tell the cows and pigs in the slaughterhouse to be happy at least we aren’t abusing them.

Killing other animals for an animal is not vegan.

Some fun....a HILARIOUS picture found to share...
Be careful, just a warning.
This cat died 0.2 second after photo was taken.

I understand some people here feed their companion animals non-vegan pet food for whatever reason. Its not a banned topic, but you have to understand this is a Vegan ? group first and foremost. So don’t brag about how you’re feeding dead animals and proud of it. You’ll find a boot in your bum. ??‍♀️"
A vegan diet is now abuse? Someone should tell the cows and pigs in the slaughterhouse to be happy at least we aren’t abusing them.
Killing other animals for an animal is not vegan.


Vegan Dog and Cat Food Suppliers World Wide

June 2019…over 30 years of vegan pet foods sold to the public. NEVER a recall…unlike the many recalls of animal based pet foods constantly.

Most listed on the website of Dr Andrew Knight Professor in Animal Ethics at Winchester University in the UK

We are up to 20 world wide producers of vegan pet foods today ! Brazil and Argentina added to the updated list...

10 vegan Cat Food Producers. 20 vegan Dog Food Producers.

Germany have the most number of 8 producers other than the 4 of the USA i add.

Not counting also the normal vet prescription pet foods that are generally vegan or almost all vegan content of the general non vegan pet food producers.

Evolution of the USA were the first to do ready made ones about 30 years ago...Compassion Circle did the home made supplements about 35 years ago and are (as name previously was Harbingers of a New Age) in the top 10 Pet Food Exporters of the USA !
The UK Benevo brand got a Queen's Award also has been going about 13 years and also exports world wide
An Australian by origin highly qualified vet Dr Andrew Knight website
His expert websites with many other scientific references to vegan pet foods for cats and dogs in particular relevant.
Andrew Knight BSc (Vet Biol), BVMS, CertAW, MANZCVS, DipECAWBM (AWSEL), DipACAW, PhD, FRCVS, SFHEA
Andrew Knight is a ridiculously busy bloke. He is Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics, and Founding Director of the Centre for Animal Welfare, at the University of Winchester; a EBVS European and RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law; an American and New Zealand Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare; a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.
Andrew has over 65 academic publications and a series of YouTube videos on animal issues. These include an extensive series examining the contributions to human healthcare of animal experiments, which formed the basis for his 2010 PhD and his 2011 book The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments. Andrew’s other publications have examined the contributions of the livestock sector to climate change, vegetarian companion animal diets, the animal welfare standards of veterinarians, and the latest evidence about animal cognitive and related abilities, and the resultant moral implications. His informational websites include, and

Due to repetitions taking much "wasted energy" time in replying to objections to vegan pet foods in UK groups outside of this group of course.....I have prepared and sent an ADMIN of a general dog group where such "spats" take place often recently due to my involvement there...this by pm...

THE FUTURE ! is VEGAN ! if you want it.
(Gary L. Francione quote…USA Law Professor leader of the Abolitionist Vegan Movement. 1st principle the same as PETA…”Animals are not ours to use” )

I have prepared a “standard” one off comment to do in future to any VEGAN PET FOOD posts posted.

I may EDIT my in FILES post to put this up front on that post too. No point doing this as a NEW post hey ! it could start up “WW3” again lol !

IF anyone else kicks off in the future about VEGAN PET FOODS …I suggest I will just post JUST THIS 1 COMMENT ! and 1 reply to just 1 other comment…and leave it at that.

I THINK THIS WILL MEET WITH YOUR APPROVAL…and sincerely THANK you for being the PROMPT I needed to save you me and everyone a load of grief in future lol ! not that those calling me the “queen of paste” will be pleased…they were visibly disappointed the other day saying it had been 4 hours with no sight of any comment on the matter from me lol wink wink….I will be sorry to disappoint those…but not YOU OR I lol !
THE FUTURE ! is VEGAN ! if you want it.
(Gary L. Francione quote…USA Law Professor leader of the Abolitionist Vegan Movement. 1st principle the same as PETA…”Animals are not ours to use” )
1. Vegan pet foods are LEGAL and exceed all Pet Food Authority standards by law....have been around commercially for over 35 years now in 2019. The UK produces and sells vegan pet foods. "species appropriate" by LAW. Never a recall of any vegan pet food in over 35 years sold. In the uk in 2019 alone to date half year as i write July ... 4 out of 7 recalls were of raw pet foods. "species appropriate" by LAW.
2. Vegan pet foods are NOT classified as "animal abuse or cruelty" under the 2006 UK Welfare Act.
3. Vegan dogs and cats THRIVE not just survive, vet tested healthy for years even 20 years in the case of UK cat examples and 25 years for UK famous Bramble dog and similar long lives of her unrelated companions on vegan home made pet foods (Anne Heritage UK pioneer dogs).
4. Dogs have 28 times more amylase AMY2B gene in their pancreas than wolves needed to digest starches.
5. GMO free organic and human grade are STANDARD for vegan pet food ingredients.
6. Cat taurine is synthetic so vegan since the 1970's added to ALL commercial cat foods as they were dying going blind due to it destroyed in cooking and lost de-thawing in flesh foods, all taurine supplements raw cat feeders give as recommended by cat nutrition experts to ensure cats get taurine are also synthetic so vegan. dogs make their own taurine but pet foods have started adding it as maybe dogs have changed.
7. CATS LOVE HIGH PROTEIN PEAS. No “force feeding” involved
8. No animal needs to be bred and “choose”? to DIE for dogs cats humans to thrive.
9. Dogs cats often “choose” to eat chocolate with relish or cheap nasty smelly foods they are no good at instinctively knowing what is good or bad nutrition for them….we humans can READ and understand these necessary matters so that is our duty to DENY them their bad choices.
10. It is a matter of “choice” to choose death or healthy whatever food one legally feeds any animal.

The BEST most informative website of any world wide distributor supplier of Vegan Pet foods is ? VECADO of Canada ! their website is a marvelous source of all sorts of useful information. Anna Vecado
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada
List of 20 Manufacturer Brands Made.(as at June 2019)
1 Ami Italy
2 V-Dog USA
3 Evolution USA
4 Benevo Britain
5 Ketun USA
6 Veggieanimals Spain
7 Compassion Circle USA
8 Veganpet Australia
9. Vegusto Switzerland WET
10. Vitaveg Italy WET and DRY
11. Herrmann Germany… Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness, Herrmann, Vegdog etc
WET for Herrmann, WET and DRY for various others.
12. Vegdog Germany DE Supplement for home made Dog food, and Adult and Senior Dogs, and Wet and Dry ready made.
13 to 17…. Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness, Terra Purra (Terra Purra is dogs and cats wet) Germany.
18. Veguis. Argentina.
19. Bicho Green. Brazil.
20. V-Complete. Germany.
GRETA was previously called EDGAR. It is a German made Adult Dogs dry dog food producer….and producer of a complete supplement power for home made dog food call V-Complete.
German made. V-Complete is an adult dog supplement powder for home made meals made by Greta previously known as ...EDGAR ! The name EDGAR was discontinued.
There are 3 Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens.
2. Vegdog of Germany for adult Dogs.
3. V-Complete of Germany. Made by GRETA brand. For adult dogs.
DOGS Wet is done by...Evolution, Benevo, Vegusto, Vitaveg, Veganpet, Hermann, Terra Purra and of course Compassion Circle recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders Vegdog supplement powder for home made of Vegdog
DOGS Dry is done by...Evolution, Benevo, Ami, Veggieanimals, Veganpet, Ketun, Vitaveg, Greta, Veguis, Bicho Green and of course Compassion Circle provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders, Vegdog supplement powder for home made. of Vegdog. German company Greta make also a dry supplement adult dog powder for home made called V-Complete. German company Vegdog also make an adult dog supplement power for home made.

CATS Wet: is done by...Evolution, Benevo, Vegusto, Vitaveg, Hermann, Terra Purra, Veganpet, and of course Compassion Circle recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.

CATS:Dry: is done by...Evolution, Benevo, Ami, Veggieanimals, Veganpet, Vitaveg and of course Compassion Circle provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders

Vegan Cat foods and Manufacturer Supplier Website links: 10 producers.

ADULT CATS: 10 producers:

1 Ami Italy
2 Evolution USA
3 Benevo Britain
4 Veggieanimals Spain
5 Compassion Circle USA
6.Veganpet Australia.
KITTENS: 3 producers
1 Evolution USA
2 Compassion Circle USA
3.Veganpet Australia.

CATS Wet tinned: is done by...Evolution, Benevo, Vegusto, Vitaveg, Hermann, Terra Purra, Veganpet and of course Compassion Circle recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.

CATS:Dry: is done by...Evolution, Benevo, Ami, Veggieanimals, Veganpet, Vitaveg and of course Compassion Circle provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders

Extras: for ADULTS until i check if for kittens too...
7. Vegusto Switzerland WET
8. Vitaveg Italy WET and DRY
9. Herrmann Germany
10 Terra Purra Germany. Wet (dogs and cats)
For EUROPE Compassion Circle suppliers of VEGEYEAST VEGECAT/VEGEDOG and VEGEKIT/VEGEPUP, and supplements of VEGDOG, V-Complete etc are in the Netherlands Vegavriend
who sell ready made vegan pet foods also.
EVOLUTION, Ami and Benevo.
Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Vegdog, Green Veggiedog, Fitness etc
UK Manufacturer and Distributor of various brands but not vegeyeast or vegecat etc supplements or Evolution and manufacturer of British Brand sold world wide "Benevo" is
CANADA supplier of many brands including
Vecado Canada
Vegan Dog foods and Manufacturer Supplier Website links: 20 producers.
1 Ami Italy
2 V-Dog USA
3 Evolution USA
4 Benevo Britain
5 Ketun USA
6 Veggieanimals Spain
7 Compassion Circle USA
8 Veganpet Australia
1 Ami Italy
2 Evolution USA
3 Benevo Britain
4 Ketun USA
5 Compassion Circle USA
6 Veganpet Australia
Extras: for ADULTS until i check if for puppies too.
9. Vegusto Switzerland WET
10. Vitaveg Italy WET and DRY
11 to 17 . Herrmann Germany… Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness, Terra Purra, Vegdog etc
18. Veguis. Argentina. Adult dogs.
19. Bicho Green. Brazil. Adult dogs.
20. V-Complete. Germany.
WET for Herrmann, WET and DRY for various others.
GRETA was previously called EDGAR. It is a German made Adult Dogs dry dog food producer….and producer of a complete supplement power for home made dog food call V-Complete.
German made. V-Complete is an adult dog supplement powder for home made meals made by Greta previously known as ...EDGAR ! The name EDGAR was discontinued.
There are 3 Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens.
2. Vegdog of Germany for adult Dogs.
3. V-Complete of Germany. Made by GRETA brand. For adult dogs.

DOGS Wet is done by...Evolution, Benevo, Vegusto, Vitaveg, Hermann, Terra Purra and of course Compassion Circle recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders Vegdog supplement powder for home made of Vegdog , V-Complete also do supplement powder for home made.
DOGS Dry is done by... Evolution, Benevo, Ami, Veggieanimals, Veganpet, Ketun, Vitaveg, Greta, Veguis, Bicho Green and of course Compassion Circle provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders, Vegdog supplement powder for home made. of Vegdog. German company Greta make also a dry supplement adult dog powder for home made called V-Complete. German company Vegdog also make an adult dog supplement power for home made.
For EUROPE Compassion Circle suppliers of VEGEYEAST VEGECAT/VEGEDOG and VEGEKIT/VEGEPUP, and supplements of VEGDOG, V-Complete etc are in the Netherlands Vegavriend
who sell ready made vegan pet foods also.
EVOLUTION, Ami and Benevo.
Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Vegdog, Green, Fitness etc
UK Manufacturer and Distributor of various brands but not vegeyeast or vegecat etc supplements or Evolution and manufacturer of British Brand sold world wide "Benevo" is
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada