Vegan Cook Wanted Caribbean Island


Jan 6, 2015
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Looking for live-in cook to create simple, healthy meals for my husband and me. We ask that you give us 3 hrs/day 5days/week of meal prep and light cleaning in exchange for a place to stay on St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. You get 2 days off to go to the beach, do errands, or get a part-time job. We have a private room w/bath for you and a lovely property with many tropical flowers and fruit trees and small, private pool for dipping/exercise. See the property here: SunDog House Sustainable Solar-powered Caribbean Vacation Rental Villa, with Canines .
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Reactions: Amy SF
Thanks for replying, Amy. If you have any available vegan friends, please let them know of this opportunity. :)
Good Luck with your schooling! Feel free to contact me when you're done with your studies. I may still need help... ;-)
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